Separating waste: textiles
Your old textiles can still be used. As second-hand clothing or to make new products such as cleaning rags, blankets, insulation material or carpeting. Read where you can dispose of textiles.
Disposing of your textiles, clothing and shoes
- You can dispose of your textiles, clothing and shoes in a textile container in your neighbourhood. This Begin link: map, end link. shows you where the containers are located. Pack textiles and shoes in a plastic bag so that they do not get wet or dirty. Tie the shoes together.
- There are also textile containers at Begin link: The Hague’s city farms, end link. .
- You can also alter or exchange clothing with friends and family. Tips and advice on what you can do with this clothing can be found on the Begin external link: website of Milieu Centraal(External link), end external link..
- Clothing and shoes which are still good can be taken for resale to a second-hand shop or recycled goods shop (Begin external link: kringloopwinkel(External link), end external link.).
- Charitable organisations collect textiles door to door from homes a few times a year. You will receive a special collection sack in your letterbox.
Is the container in the neighbourhood full? Begin link: Report it to the municipality, end link. . Make use of a different container for your textiles, clothing and shoes in the area or take them back home with you. Never place your textiles next to or on top of the container. If you do this, you risk getting a fine.
What is allowed in the textile container?
- Only textiles which are reasonably clean and dry are allowed in the textile container.
- Torn or worn out? No problem: even torn and worn out clothing and textiles are allowed in the textile container. They will be used to make new textiles.
Below you will find examples. Are you in doubt about which rubbish is allowed in the container? Look at the Begin external link: Afvalscheidingswijzer(External link), end external link. (in Dutch) or throw it away in the regular household rubbish container.
Allowed in the textile container
Relatively clean textiles such as:
- clothes (even if they are worn out or torn)
- purses, belts and shoes (tied together)
- towels, dishcloths and washcloths
- tablecloths, blankets, curtains and pieces of fabric
- soft cuddly toys
- scarves and hats
Not allowed in the textile container
- badly stained or wet clothes
- carpets and rugs
- duvets, pillows and mattresses
Also see: Waste and recycling