Penalty for improper waste disposal

Have you disposed of your household waste improperly? For example, too early, too late or next to a container? Then you could get a fine if the municipality needs to remove your rubbish.

You may not place your household rubbish:

  • outside too early: before 22.00 hrs. the day before the collection day
  • outside too late: after 7.45 hrs. on the collection day
  • next to or on top of a container
  • anywhere other than at the curb or at the designated collection spot
  • bulky waste on the street without an appointment


If you are caught in the act, you will immediately get a Begin link: fine, end link. . Even if you are not caught right away, it could cost you money. The municipality will clear away and investigate improperly disposed of waste. The municipal surveillance team is officially authorised to check garbage through bags. The team is allowed to open these garbage bags, search through the contents and collect any details about the people who disposed of the rubbish.

If it appears that the rubbish is yours, you will then get a fine (spoedeisende bestuursdwang). You will be charged part of the costs for checking and removing the rubbish. The fixed penalties are € 199.57 per offence.

Payment plan

Are you unable to pay the fine at 1 time? Apply for a payment plan. You will then pay the fine in instalments.

Always provide the invoice number and debtor number (debiteurennummer) when applying for a payment plan.

Contesting the penalty

Do you disagree with the fine? Then you can Begin link: contest it, end link. within 6 weeks after the date on the bill.

Do you disagree with the municipality’s decision (if you were not caught in the act)? You can submit a letter of objection to the Municipal Executive within 6 weeks after the date of the decision. The date is stated in the letter you received.

Read how you can Begin link: submit an objection, end link. .

It takes between 9 and 13 weeks before you get a decision on your objection. If your objection is being processed, your payment obligations will not be suspended. You still must pay the amount. If the municipality rules in your favour, you will get back the money you paid.


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