Sewage charges for users

Most houses and buildings are connected to the main municipal sewage system. Do you discharge more than 500 cubic metres (m3) of wastewater per year into the municipal sewage system? Then you must pay sewage costs for users.

If you are also the owner of a (movable) property (such as a home or commercial property) with a connection to the municipal sewage system, you must pay the Begin link: sewage charges for owners, end link. .

The municipality uses the sewage charges for users to ensure that the sewage system works and is well maintained.

Who Charge Amount
User per 500 cubic metres of wastewater (first 500 m3 is free) € 261.55

There is 1 payment period for the sewage charges for users. The amount must be paid in full within 6 weeks. You can Begin link: pay the tax with iDEAL or a bank transfer, end link. . It is not possible to pay the sewage charges for users by direct debit.

Are you unable to pay the sewage charges within the stipulated period? Then you can choose to Begin link: pay taxes in instalments with direct debit, end link. .

Do you disagree with the amount of sewage charges which you must pay? Then you can Begin link: contest the assessment., end link.


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