Sewage charges for owners

Most houses and buildings are connected to the main municipal sewage system. All property owners (such as a residential property or commercial property) with a direct or indirect connection to the municipal sewage system must pay the sewage charges for owners. The municipality must make sure that the sewage system works well and is well maintained.

Do you discharge more than 500 cubic metres (m3) of wastewater per year into the municipal sewage system? Then you must also pay Begin link: sewage charges for users, end link. .

The sewage charges for owners (rioolheffing eigenarendeel) are stated on the Begin link: assessment for municipal taxes, end link. (aanslagbiljet gemeentelijke belastingen). You will usually receive this bill in the post in February. Sometimes the municipality does not yet have all of the necessary information. In that case you will get the assessment later. You can see in Begin link: MijnDenHaag, end link.  if the assessment has already been sent. You have not received the assessment by 1 June and you think you should have gotten it? Or do you have a question about the assessment? Then you can contact the Begin link: Municipal Tax Department, end link. .

Who Tax Amount
Owner per property € 191.15

The sewage charge is a fixed amount per connection. The assessment goes to the person who on 1 January of the tax year is the owner of a property which is directly or indirectly connected to the municipal sewage system.

Are you moving later in the year or are you selling your property? Then you still need to pay the assessment in full. If you buy a property during the course of the year, you will not get an assessment for the sewage charges until the following year. If you sell a property the notary often charges part of the sewage charges to the new owner during the transfer of ownership.

Do you disagree with the amount of sewage charges which you must pay? Then you can Begin link: contest the assessment, end link. .


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