Pay taxes in instalments with direct debit

You can pay your tax assessment in instalments. Paying in instalments with direct debit (automatische incasso) is a payment method where you authorise the municipality to deduct the payment of your municipal taxes from your bank account in a maximum of 12 instalments. This takes place around the 25th of each month. If you make use of this method, you do not have to pay interest.

  • For each type of tax you can indicate whether you would like to pay the outstanding amount automatically or not.
  • You authorise the municipality to deduct the assessment amount from your bank account.
  • The authorisation continues for each assessment of the same sort of tax which you receive thereafter until you stop it yourself or the debit payment fails 2 times.
  • The number of instalments depends upon the moment you request the direct debit. Are you requesting it immediately after receiving the tax assessment? The amount will be withdrawn from your bank account in 12 monthly instalments. Are you requesting direct debit later? Then you will have fewer months to make the payments. The amount that you will have to pay each month will then be higher.
  • A separate amount will be deducted each month for each assessment which you pay in instalments.


You receive a tax assessment in February. You request direct debit immediately after receiving it. The first instalment will be deducted in March. The last instalment will be deducted in February of the subsequent year. This makes a total of 12 instalments.

If you request the direct debit a month later (March in this example), then the first instalment will be deducted in April. The last instalment will be deducted in February of the subsequent year. This makes a total of 11 instalments. In this case the monthly amount will be slightly higher because the total amount due will be spread out over 11 instalments rather than 12. Request direct debit as quickly as possible after receiving your tax assessment.

You can request direct debit only once you have received the assessment digitally or by post.

Are you filling in the form without DigiD? Then you need to fill it in, print it out, sign it and send it by post. Are you filling in the form with DigiD? Then your request will be sent directly to the Municipal Tax Department.

Cancel direct debit

If you no longer want to make use of this payment method, you can cancel the authorisation.

Are you filling in the form without DigiD? Then you need to fill it in, print it out, sign it and send it by post. Are you filling in the form with DigiD? Then your request will be sent directly to the Municipal Tax Department.

You can also cancel your direct debit in writing by sending a letter to the Begin link: Municipal Tax Department, end link. . The letter must include:

  • the account number
  • the date the change should take effect
  • the reference number for the direct debit
  • name
  • address
  • place of residence
  • telephone number
  • email address

Are you stopping a direct debit yourself? Then you will receive a letter from the Municipal Tax Department stating the amount you still must pay. You need to make sure that you Begin link: pay the amount on time, end link. .

Change bank account number

Tax payments can be deducted from only 1 IBAN (international bank account number). If you change the bank account number, this change will apply to all of your payment authorisations for the Municipal Tax Department. It is not possible to have a tax deducted from a different bank account from the one used to pay the municipal tax bill.

Are you filling in the form without DigiD? Then you need to fill it in, print it out, sign it and send it by post. Are you filling in the form with DigiD? Then your request will be sent directly to the Municipal Tax Department.

You can also change the bank account in writing by sending a letter to the Begin link: Municipal Tax Department, end link. . The letter should contain the following information:

  • the old account number
  • the new account number
  • the date the change should take effect
  • the reference number for the direct debit
  • name
  • address
  • place of residence
  • telephone number
  • email address

Change name on assessment notice

Has your name on the assessment notice changed because, for example, you got married or divorced? Then you need to submit a new request for direct debit.

Frequently asked questions

The municipality will deduct part of the total amount from your bank account every month. If you move, you might not yet have paid the total amount in full.

Are your taxes lower due to your move and is the amount of your tax assessment different because of this? If so, the municipality will adjust the monthly amount you need to pay.

You can see how much you still have to pay in Begin external link: MijnDenHaag(External link), end external link..

Would you like to pay off the remaining amount you still owe in 1 lump sum? This is possible. Look at the page about Begin link: paying taxes, end link. for the different options.

Have you paid the amount in full? Then the municipality will no longer deduct any money from your bank account. You do not need to do anything for this.

No, this is not possible. If you have DigiD, you can provide a Begin external link: digital authorisation(External link), end external link.. You give the municipality permission to deduct money from your bank account every month. This is allowed until the tax has been paid in full.

You do not have DigiD? Then you can fill in the Begin external link: authorisation(External link), end external link., print it out and send it by post.

Transfer the amount as quickly as possible to the Begin link: Municipal Tax Department, end link. . The municipality will automatically deduct the amount for the following month again. Are you no longer able or willing to pay every month? And are you not able to pay off the amount in 1 lump sum? Begin link: Apply for a tax payment plan, end link. .

Yes, you can make this request up to 12 months after you receive the assessment. This means it is still possible to make this request even after you have gotten a warning or liability order. You will, however, have less time left to make the payment. And the municipality will therefore deduct a higher amount every month.

No, this is not possible.

No, you can provide only 1 bank account number. The bank account number must therefore be the same one for the dog tax as for the property tax. You can look up the bank account number you provided in Begin external link: MijnDenHaag(External link), end external link..

View your information

In MijnDenHaag you can see the following information for each assessment:

  • the bank number you are currently using to pay the direct debit
  • the monthly amount being deducted
  • the payments which were received
  • the outstanding amount to be paid
It can take 10 working days before you see your payment by direct debit.

Paying off your debt earlier

It is possible to pay off your debt earlier. For example using your holiday pay. The Municipal Tax Department will adjust the monthly amount according to the remaining outstanding amount. You can pay off your debt by transferring an amount using online banking. Always note the payment reference number on your tax assessment.

Failed direct debit (storno)

  • If it is not possible for the bank to deduct the monthly amount, the direct debit will fail. This is called a ‘storno’. If this happens, you will receive a letter from the Municipal Tax Department requesting you to make the payment. The following month you will again pay as usual through direct debit.
  • If payment is blocked a second time, the direct debit will then be stopped for the remainder of the year. You will need to pay the outstanding amount for the rest of the year in 1 lump sum. You will be informed of this in a letter. The direct debit will be reactivated once a new assessment is sent.

Are you unsure why the payment failed? You can inquire at your bank.

Disagree with the amount withdrawn?

Do you disagree with the amount withdrawn? You can ask your bank to have the payment reversed. You have 8 weeks to do this.


Did you choose to receive digital post from the municipality in the Berichtenbox on MijnOverheid? As of 1 January 2025 you will get these messages only in your private message box and no longer as paper post in your letterbox. Do you want to cancel digital post? You can do this on Begin external link: MijnOverheid(External link), end external link..


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