Municipal taxes: contesting your assessment

Do you believe the municipality made a mistake when it calculated your taxes? Or the property value (WOZ-waarde) or bill for administrative fees? If so, you can contest the assessment.

Would you like to file an objection at the Municipal Tax Department? Explain what you believe is not correct. Submit your objection within 6 weeks after the notification date. The notification date is the date on the municipal tax assessment or the bill for administrative fees. Are you too late? Include the reason for this in your objection. You can file an objection online or in writing.

To contest a parking ticket (naheffingsaanslag) go to Begin link: Challenge a parking ticket, end link. .

Are you unable to pay the tax? Apply for a Begin link: tax payment plan, end link. . Or request a Begin link: tax waiver, end link. .

  • The assessment number or payment reference number,
    This number is on the assessment. You can also look it up in Begin external link: MijnDenHaag(External link), end external link..
  • Supporting documents if you have them. Such as:
    • Your own appraisal report or photos of the condition of the property (if you are contesting the property value).
    • A rental contract or purchase deed (if you think that somebody else should be paying the tax because you have moved).
  • Are you contesting the assessment online and would you like to send supporting documents? Make sure that you have the files ready on your computer.
  • Your login details for DigiD or eHerkenning if you are filing the objection online.

You can only file an objection online if the assessment or bill is in your name. This means that it was sent to you.

Contest municipal tax assessment

You received an assessment notice for municipal taxes. And you want to contest the:

If the tax assessment is in your name, you can file your objection in MijnDenHaag. You must log in with your DigiD or eHerkenning with an assurance level of 3 or higher.


File an objection in MijnDenHaag

Contest other taxes

The Hague has a Begin link: sufferance tax, end link. only in the form of a mooring fee for houseboats and commercial vessels. You can contest your mooring fee online with your DigiD.

You must pay Begin link: harbour tax, end link. in order to use the inner harbour and quays with a boat or ship.

Do you disagree with the assessment? Then you can contest it. You can do this online with your DigiD. Click on the button below.

If you have purchased a product or service at the municipality, you have to pay an administrative fee (leges) for this.

Do you disagree with the bill for this? Then you can contest it. You can do this online with your DigiD. Click on the button below.

You pay a Begin link: market tax, end link. for a stall at the market. In addition you usually pay extra fees.

Do you disagree with the assessment? Then you can contest it. You can do this online with your DigiD. Click on the button below.

Do you discharge more than 500 cubic metres (m3) of wastewater in 1 year into the municipal sewage system? Then you must pay Begin link: sewage charges for users, end link. .

Do you disagree with the assessment? Then you can contest it. You can do this online with your DigiD. Click on the button below.

Are you charging people from outside The Hague for an overnight stay? Then you must pay the Begin link: tourist tax, end link. .

Do you disagree with the assessment? Then you can contest it. You can do this online with your DigiD. Click on the button below.

A Begin link: Business Investment Zone (BIZ), end link. is a demarcated area where business owners make joint investments in the quality of their business environment. For example, a shopping area or business park. All the businesses in the BIZ pay a contribution to make this possible.

Do you disagree with the assessment? Then you can contest it. You can do this online with your DigiD. Click on the button below.

You pay taxes (begraafrechten) for the annual upkeep of the tombstone for a family member’s grave and for the general maintenance of the municipal cemeteries.

Do you disagree with the assessment? Then you can contest it. You can do this online with your DigiD. Click on the button below.

Would you rather file an objection in writing or you do not have DigiD or eHerkenning? Then you can send your objection to the municipality by post.

Your objection letter (bezwaarschrift) should always include:

  • your name and address
  • the date
  • if you are contesting the assessment too late: the reason why you are too late
  • the assessment number or payment reference number. This number is on the assessment or the bill for administrative fees
  • the tax year. This can be found on the assessment
  • the tax you are contesting
  • the reason for your objection
  • your signature

Are you filing an objection on behalf of somebody else? Enclose an authorisation.

Send the objection letter to:

Directeur gemeentebelastingen
Postbus 19924
2500 CX Den Haag

You will receive notification that the municipality has received your objection within 2 weeks. You can read how long it will take before you get a decision on your objection. This is different for each type of objection. If you are right, the municipality will change your property value and/or the amount you need to pay.

If you file an objection, you will get a suspension of payment. The suspension is only for (the part of) the assessment you are contesting. You still have to pay the part of the assessment you are not contesting. Otherwise you could get a warning.

If the municipality rejects your objection, you will still need to pay the assessment(s) in question. If the municipality grants your objection and have you already paid the assessment(s), you will get back the amount of money you overpaid.

Objection due to inheritance

Are you getting an inheritance? Then you can:

Send a certificate of succession (inheritance) along with your objection letter. This is an official statement drawn up by the notary that you are an heir and you have a right to the inheritance. You also need this proof if there is already a will.


Did you choose to receive digital post from the municipality in the Berichtenbox on MijnOverheid? As of 1 January 2025 you will get these messages only in your private message box and no longer as paper post in your letterbox. Do you want to cancel digital post? You can do this on Begin external link: MijnOverheid(External link), end external link..


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