Impoundment notice

An impoundment notice informs you that a tax bailiff has been ordered to seize your motor vehicle, bank balance, wages and/or personal effects or property.

You can get an impoundment notice if you have not paid your municipal taxes or fees (in full) despite a Begin link: liability order, end link. .

Watch the instructional video. You will then learn what you should do if you have gotten an impoundment notice.

You must pay the municipal taxes/fees immediately. The fastest way to pay is with online banking or by making a rush order through your bank. It is not possible to pay the outstanding amount in cash at the municipal counter.

Please note: In this phase the tax bailiff will make a seizure unless he hears in time that you have made the payment (in full). If the bailiff makes a seizure, this seizure will be cancelled if you can prove that you have paid the back taxes, including all fees and interest.

Do you have any questions about an impoundment notice? Contact the Collections division (Invordering) at tel. (070) 353 38 20.


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