Contact the Municipal Tax Department

Do you have a question and are you unable to find the answer on this website? You can call or write to the Municipal Tax Department.

Frequently asked questions

Would you like to know what you have already paid and what you still need to pay? Look it up in Begin external link: MijnDenHaag(External link), end external link.. You can log in with DigiD or eHerkenning.

Are you looking for a payment amount from more than 4 years ago? Then you will not find it in MijnDenHaag. For more information about this you can call the Municipal Tax Department on telephone number 14070.

You can make smaller payments or pay in instalments with Begin link: direct debit, end link. . You can also arrange a Begin link: payment plan, end link. .

For certain kinds of taxes you can request a tax waiver. You might not have to pay the taxes at all or else have to pay only a part.

If a tax waiver is not possible, send an email to Begin link:, end link. to explain your situation. Include your telephone number in the email. The municipality will contact you to look for a solution together with you.

Send an email with your request to Begin link:, end link. . Include in your email the payment reference number on the assessment and why you are requesting a suspension of payment.


  • Did you receive a letter from the Municipal Tax Department (Belastingzaken)? Call the telephone number in the letter.
  • If you did not receive a letter with a telephone number, you can call the Municipal Tax Department on telephone number: 14070.

Postal address

De directeur gemeentebelastingen
Postbus 19924
2500 CX Den Haag

More information

More information about taxes, such as the property value (WOZ), bill for the property tax (OZB) or tax waiver, can be found under Begin link: Taxes, end link. .


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