Student organisations: apply for a subsidy

Projects by student clubs and organisations may be eligible for a subsidy or sponsorship.

The subsidy for student clubs falls within the category of ‘incidental subsidies’. You can apply for these kinds of subsidies throughout the year. Apply through the Begin link: Subsidie Aanvraag Systeem, end link. (in Dutch).

A project is eligible for a subsidy if it meets the following 3 goals:

  • The project contributes to an attractive environment for The Hague’s students outside of the classroom, for example in the area of sports or culture.
  • The project encourages individual initiatives for and by students in The Hague.
  • The project offers possibilities to students with original ideas and/or exceptional talents.

The activities which qualify for a subsidy can be found on Begin link: Subsidies and sponsorship for student clubs, end link. . You will also find the conditions to be eligible for the subsidy.

Student clubs which are active in The Hague and are a legal entity. If students want to carry out a project but they are not a legal entity, they can ask another organisation to act as an applicant on their behalf. The other organisation must be active in the field of higher education or offer student facilities in The Hague.


A maximum of 6 weeks.


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