Swimming pools and facilities

On this page you can find information about The Hague’s swimming pools and facilities.

De Blinkerd sports centre
De Blinkerd sports centre

De Blinkerd sports centre is located in the Scheveningen city district. The centre has a swimming pool, sports hall and a Sport-O-theek. The swimming pool has a 25-metre pool, a shallow pool, heated benches and a whirlpool. Take a Begin external link: virtual tour of De Blinkerd(External link), end external link..

Address and contact details

Seinpoststraat 150
2586 HC Den Haag
Telephone: (070) 352 12 22


‘t Nesjuh
E-mail: Begin link: Sportcafe.nesjuh@gmail.com, end link.
Telephone: 06 28 68 04 08

Hire a meeting room or music room

Website: Begin external link: denhaag.nl/sportverhuur(External link), end external link.

Rent sporting and game equipment

Website: Begin external link: denhaag.nl/sportverhuur(External link), end external link.

Het Hofbad swimming pool
Het Hofbad swimming pool

Het Hofbad is the most state-of-the-art swimming pool in The Hague. The swimming pool has a 50-metre pool, 4 diving boards and a 5-metre high diving tower. There is also an instruction pool, a paddling pool, a large recreational pool with a 60-metre long slide, a whirlpool and wild water creek. Het Hofbad is suitable for international water polo competitions. The pool is designed for competitions and training activities for national and regional selection events. The grandstands can seat 500 people. Take a Begin external link: virtual tour of Het Hofbad(External link), end external link..

Address and contact details

Ypenburgse Boslaan 30
2496 ZA Den Haag
Telephone: (015) 310 83 96


E-mail: Begin link: info@horecahofbad.nl, end link.
Telephone: (015) 364 62 99

Hire a meeting room

Website: Begin external link: denhaag.nl/sportverhuur(External link), end external link.

De Houtzagerij sports centre
De Houtzagerij sports centre

De Houtzagerij sports centre is located in the Centrum city district. The centre has a swimming pool and a sports hall. The swimming pool has a deep pool, a shallow pool and a paddling pool. Take a Begin external link: virtual tour of De Houtzagerij(External link), end external link..

Address and contact details

Hobbemastraat 93
2526 JG Den Haag
Telephone: (070) 389 04 04


There is a vending machine for food and drinks.

Hire a meeting room

Website: Begin external link: denhaag.nl/sportverhuur(External link), end external link.

Overbosch sports centre
Overbosch sports centre

The Overbosch sports centre is located in the Haagse Hout city district. The centre has a swimming pool and a sports hall. The swimming pool has different pools, including a pool with a moveable floor, a recreational pool with a wild water creek and a 25-metre competition pool. Take a Begin external link: virtual tour of Overbosch(External link), end external link..

Address and contact details

Vlaskamp 3
2592 AA Den Haag
Telephone: (070) 347 46 84


Grand café Overbosch
Telephone: (070) 737 08 95

Hire a meeting room or judo hall

Website: Begin external link: denhaag.nl/sportverhuur(External link), end external link.

De Waterthor swimming pool
De Waterthor swimming pool

De Waterthor swimming pool is located in the Loosduinen city district. The swimming pool has a 25-metre competition pool, an instruction pool and a paddling pool. Take a Begin external link: virtual tour of De Waterthor(External link), end external link..

Address and contact details

Thorbeckelaan 350
2564 BZ Den Haag
Telephone: (070) 323 51 41


Telephone: (070) 323 10 39

Zuiderpark swimming pool
Zuiderpark swimming pool
The steam rooms in the Zuiderpark swimming pool are currently not in operation.

Zuiderpark swimming pool is located in the Escamp city district. It has a competition pool, an instruction pool, a recreational pool with a 40-metre long slide, a whirlpool and a Turkish steam bath. Take a Begin external link: virtual tour of Zuiderpark(External link), end external link..

Address and contact details

Mr. P. Droogleever Fortuynweg 59
2533 SP Den Haag
Telephone: (070) 367 94 63


‘t Opkikkertje
Telephone: 06 30 83 13 35

Escamphof zwembad (foto: Fleur Beemster)
Escamphof zwembad (foto: Fleur Beemster)

Escamphof is a therapeutic swimming pool. People with physical or multiple disabilities can swim here. They get expert support through their disabled sports associations. The swimming pool is not available for recreational swimming. Take a Begin external link: virtual tour of Escamphof(External link), end external link..

Address and contact details

Escamplaan 57
2547 GA Den Haag
Telephone: (070) 325 48 39

Who is it for?

The swimming pool targets specific groups:

  • schools for disabled children (mytylscholen)
  • schools for children with multiple disabilities (tytylscholen)
  • schools offering special education
  • sports associations for the disabled

General information

  • The municipality would like everybody who is going swimming to have a nice time and feel safe. This is why there are a number of Begin link: house rules, end link. . Make sure you know the rules and follow them.
  • The municipal swimming pools have disabled access. There is a separate room with a shower, toilet and changing room. There is also a special wheelchair/shower chair which you can use to get to the swimming pool. You can then be lifted into the water using the disabled hoist.


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