New Year’s events

There will be a few large events in The Hague around New Year’s.

Show at Hofvijver

This year there will again be a show at the Hofvijver on 31 December 2024. From 23.00 to 1.00 hrs. you can enjoy music and there will be a sound-and-light-show. Due to fire safety regulations for the Binnenhof, organisers are not allowed to light any fireworks.

3 bonfires

There will be 3 bonfires in the city on New Year’s Eve. The people building the bonfires must adhere to the permit conditions. And the wind should not be too strong.

The bonfires can be found at

  • Noorderstrand Scheveningen
  • Zuiderstrand by Duindorp
  • Paets van Troostwijkstraat in Laak

The stacks of pallets in Scheveningen and Duindorp are not allowed to be larger than 10 x 10 x 10 metres. the stack may only contain untreated wood. The people building the bonfires have gotten permits from the municipality, Rijkswaterstaat and the Omgevingsdienst Haaglanden.

The mayor will decide on 31 December 2024 whether the stacks of pallets are allowed to be lit. This depends on the force of the wind.

New Year’s dive in Scheveningen

To give the year a fresh start people have been taking a Begin external link: dip in the North Sea(External link), end external link. on New Year’s Day since 1 January 1960. Registration starts at 10.30 hrs. and at 12.00 hrs. everybody can rush into the water. Participants will gather close to Museum Beelden aan Zee between Scheveningen harbour and the Pier. It is not possible to register for this in advance.

Other events

There is lots to do in The Hague during the Christmas holidays. Look at Begin external link: link), end external link. for an overview of all the events and the agenda for The Hague.


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