Areas with a ban on alcohol, soft drugs and begging
Activities which can cause nuisance are banned in parts of the city. These include the use of soft drugs, consumption of alcohol and begging on the street.
The Municipal Executive designates the areas in the city where a ban is in effect each year. It also takes measures in the areas to combat nuisance.
It is not permitted to consume alcohol or use soft drugs in public areas with a ban. It is also not permitted to carry or possess alcohol in open bottles, cans and other containers in these areas.
Banned in the whole city
The following things are not permitted in the entire city of The Hague:
- The use of soft drugs within a 50-metre radius around schools and schoolyards.
- Begging with a 50-metre radius around schools, cemeteries and places of worship.
Banned in parts of the city

Areas with a ban on alcohol, soft drugs and begging
The following streets and the streets in between: Lekstraat, Rijnstraat, Bezuidenhoutseweg, Prinsessegracht, Korte Voorhout, Koninginnegracht, Doctor Aletta Jacobsweg, Kerkhoflaan, Ary van der Spuyweg, Scheveningseweg, Carnegielaan, Laan van Meerdervoort, Koningin Emmakade, Noord-West Buitensingel, Loosduinseweg, De la Reyweg, Troelstrakade, Fruitweg, Parallelweg, Stationsplein, Rijswijkseplein, Schenkviaduct, Weteringkade.

Areas with a ban on alcohol
- Bouwlust/Vrederust en Morgenstond: The following streets and the streets in between: Meppelweg, Almeloplein, Loevesteinlaan, Erasmusweg and Lozerlaan. The ban is in effect for all the street within this area.
- Moerwijk: The following streets and the streets in between: Loevesteinlaan, Erasmusweg, Erasmusplein, Middachtenweg, Guntersteinweg, Assumburgweg, Troelstrakade, Melis Stokelaan and Moerweg.
- Rustenburg/Oostbroek: The following streets and the streets in between: Loosduinsekade, De La Reyweg, Veluweplein, Soestdijksekade including Soestdijkseplein.
Areas with a ban on begging
- Bouwlust/Vrederust en Morgenstond: The following streets and the streets in between: Meppelweg, Almeloplein, Loevesteinlaan, Erasmusweg and Lozerlaan.
- Winkelstraat Dierenselaan: The following streets and the streets in between: Zuiderparklaan, Hoenderlostraat, Heelsumstraat, Apeldoornselaan, Kootwijkstraat, Dierenselaan, Nunspeetlaan, Elspeetstraat, De la Reyweg, Ellekomstraat, Hardewijkstraat, Voorthuizenstraat and Doorwerthstraat.
Areas with a ban on soft drugs
- Bouwlust/Vrederust: The following streets and the streets in between: Meppelweg, Dedemsvaartweg, Erasmusweg and Lozerlaan.

Areas with a ban on alcohol, soft drugs and begging
- Malieveld: The following streets and the streets in between: Zuid Hollandlaan, Boslaan, Prins Clauslaan, Prins Bernardviaduct inclusief Centraal Station, Rijnstraat, Bezuidenhoutseweg and Koningskade.
- Bezuidenhout: The following streets and the streets in between: Carel Reinierszkade, Loudonstraat, Stuyvesantplein, Juliana van Stolberglaan, IJsclubweg.

Areas with a ban on alcohol
- The following streets and the streets in between: Neherkade, Rijswijkseweg, Jan van der Heijdenstraat, Paets van Troostwijkstraat, De Genestetlaan, Jan van Beersstraat, Sinjeur Semeynsweg, Jonathanstraat, Oltmansstraat, Van Koetsveldstraat, Goeverneurplein, Hildebrandstraat and Hildebrandplein.

Areas with a ban on alcohol
ADO stadium: The following streets and the streets in between: Nieuweveensepad, Laan van Leidschenveen, Donau, Tiber, Taag (in a straight line from the A4) and the shoulder of the A4 by the Prins Clausplein on the days a match is taking place in the stadium.

Areas with a ban on alcohol and begging
- Loosduinen shopping street and area: The following streets and the streets in between: Symfoniestraat from the intersection with the Ouverturestraat, Arnold Spoelplein, Lisztstraat, Loosduinse Hoofdstraat, Luxemburgstraat, Laurenburgstraat, Viandenstraat, Mecklenburgplein, Oranjewoutstraat, Willem III straat, Loosduinse Uitleg across the car park to the Ouverturestraat, Ouverturestraat to the intersection with the Symfoniestraat.
Areas with a ban on begging
- Bedrijventerrein Zichtenburg, Kerketuinen en Dekkershoek: The following streets and the streets in between: Lozerlaan, Meppelweg, Dedemsvaartweg. Escamplaan, crossing Dekkershoek, Q.A. Nederpelstraat, Margaretha van Hennebergweg and Escamplaan.

Areas with a ban on soft drugs
- The coast: The following streets and the streets in between: Adriaan Maasplein, Noordelijk havenhoofd, Strandweg, including the Pier, Zeekant, Scheveningseslag, Rederserf, Jagersmast, Bezaansmast, Gevers Deynootweg, (Palaceplein), Zwarte pad, Zeekant and Strand Noord.
- Zuidelijk havenhoofd and area: The following streets and the streets in between: Zuidelijk havenhoofd, Houtrustweg to Zeezwaluwstraat, Kranenburgweg, Steigerstraat including the Zuiderstrandtheater car park and Boeistraat.
Areas with a ban on alcohol
- Haringkade: The following streets and the streets in between: Badhuiskade, Havenkade, Neptunusstraat, Seinpoststraat, Kapelplein, Rijslag, Nieuwe Duinweg and Haringkade.
- Amsterdamsestraat/Bosschestraat/Gentsestraat: The following streets and the streets in between: Amsterdamsestraat, Bosschestraat and Gentsestraat.
- The coast: The following streets and the streets in between: Adriaan Maasplein, Noordelijk havenhoofd, Strandweg, including the Pier, Zeekant, Scheveningseslag, Rederserf, Jagersmast, Bezaansmast, Gevers Deynootweg, (Palaceplein), Zwarte pad, Zeekant and Strand Noord.
- Zuidelijk havenhoofd and area: The following streets and the streets in between: Zuidelijk havenhoofd, Houtrustweg to Zeezwaluwstraat, Kranenburgweg, Steigerstraat including the Zuiderstrandtheater car park and Boeistraat.

Areas with a ban on alcohol and soft drugs
- The following streets and the streets in between: Laan van Meerdervoort, Suezkade, Groot Hertoginnelaan, Morsestraat, Beeklaan, Houtrustweg, Laan van Poot, Kwartellaan, via de rotonde Sportlaan/Segbroeklaan naar Goudsbloemlaan, Goudenregenplein, Azaleastraat, Lijsterbesstraat, Vlierboomstraat, Moerbeiplein, Mient, Laan van Eik en Duinen, Oude Haagweg, Loosduinseweg, Loosduinsekade, Noord West Buitensingel and Waldeck Pyrmontkade.
Areas with a ban on begging
- The following streets and the streets in between: Laan van Meerdervoort, Suezkade, Groot Hertoginnelaan, Morsestraat, Beeklaan, Houtrustweg, Laan van Poot, Kwartellaan, via de rotonde Sportlaan/Segbroeklaan naar Goudsbloemlaan, Goudenregenplein, Azaleastraat, Lijsterbesstraat.
Report a problem
Have you experienced problems caused by alcohol, drug use or begging? Report it to the police on tel. 0900 – 88 44.
Also see: Algemene Plaatselijke Verordening