Request information about house repair notice

The municipality has powers to enforce improvements and repairs on privately owned property. It does this by issuing a house repair notice. Do you want to know if there is a repair notice on a particular property in The Hague? For example, because you want to buy a house. Request information about this.

What is it?

The municipality can place a repair notice on the property if it is below the tolerable standard. This could concern a living space, temporary shelter, caravan or commercial property. It means that the property no longer meets the requirements in the building code or the Omgevingsplan. If a property is not maintained well, the municipality can force the owner to carry out repairs.

Request information

Check if there is a repair notice (aanschrijving) on a building on the Begin external link: website of the Kadaster(External link), end external link. (land register).

If there a repair notice, you will see a notation under the subhead ‘Aantekeningen’. See the example below:

Download the decision by clicking on the link after ‘Afkomstig uit stuk’.


You must pay for information from the Kadaster. Look at the fees on the Begin external link: website of the Kadaster(External link), end external link..


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