Report uncollected rubbish and old paper

Your household rubbish or old paper or the rubbish in your entire street has not been collected? You can report this to the municipality.

Did you put your rubbish out on time and in the correct way? But it was still not collected by 17.00 hrs.? Report this to the municipality online.

You can also call the municipality the following weekday to report the problem. The Haagse Milieu Services (HMS) will collect your uncollected household rubbish the first working day after you made your report. However, you must bring your household rubbish back inside in the evening. On the day that your uncollected household rubbish will be collected you must put it out again before 7.45 hrs. If you do not bring your household rubbish back inside, you can get a fine.

You can report uncollected rubbish and old paper online.

The Haagse Milieu Services (HMS) will collect your household rubbish the first weekday after you made your report.

You may put out household rubbish and paper after 22.00 hrs. on the evening before and before 7.45 hrs. on the collection day itself. Look at the Begin link: rules for disposing of your household rubbish, end link. . Consult the Begin link: household waste calendar, end link. to see the collection days for your street. Did you dispose of the waste incorrectly? Then there is a risk that it will not be collected.


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