Report nuisance caused by a company
Are you bothered by noise or other nuisance caused by a company? Report it to the municipality. Your report will be forwarded to the Omgevingsdienst Haaglanden (ODH).
It is not possible to report all forms of nuisance to the ODH:
- Residents of Scheveningen can Begin link: report noise nuisance, end link. caused by businesses on the beach and the beach restaurants 24 hours a day during the beach season.
- Are you bothered by noise during an event? Call the police on tel. 0900 – 8844.
- Are you experiencing problems caused by construction work? Look at Begin link: Report nuisance during construction work, end link. .
- Do you regularly experience nuisance caused by rowdy people in your neighbourhood? Call the police on tel. 0900 – 8844.
- Are you disturbed by a screeching noise caused by trams? You can report this kind of nuisance to Begin external link: the HTM(External link), end external link..
The ODH needs the following information from you in your report:
- your name, address, email and telephone number (anonymous reports will not be considered)
- the address of the company causing the nuisance
- description of the nuisance
You can make a report of nuisance caused by a company using the Begin external link: nuisance reporting form on the website of the ODH(External link), end external link..
An official from the Omgevingsdienst Haaglanden will contact you within 5 working days after receiving your report. The ODH will investigate whether the company you reported is abiding by the general noise regulations. The ODH can only follow up once it is clear that a company is violating the legal rules. If this is difficult to prove, it could take longer before the ODH is able to do something about it.