Report a full or broken container

Is the underground rubbish container (ORAC) in your street full or broken? Or do you see a full recycling bin for glass, paper or plastic packaging, metal packaging and drink cartons? Report this to the municipality.

Fill in the form below or call tel. 14070. Indicate the location of the full or broken container in your report. There are no fees for reporting a problem (it is free).

The municipality will empty or repair the container within 3 working days.

Did you accidently drop something in an underground container (ORAC)? Contact the Haagse Milieu Services (HMS) on telephone number (070) 311 77 99 (when you get the voice recording, press 3). This number is available from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 17.00 hrs. Provide the number of the container and the address where the container is located. You will find the number at the front or back of the container. You will need to come to the HMS at Plutostraat 1 in person to search through the contents of the container. There are costs for this.


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