Procedure after applying for an environment and planning permit
Have you applied for an environment and planning permit? The municipality will follow a number of steps. Afterwards it will decide whether you will get the permit or not.
Look below to see the 5 steps the municipality will take when it receives your application for an Begin link: environment and planning permit, end link. .
Step 1: Announcement of application
The municipality will publish the application announcement on Begin external link: link), end external link. (in Dutch only).
Neighbourhood residents and businesses can look at the application there. They can also view it at Begin link: The Hague Information Centre, end link. .
Step 2: Screening for completeness
The municipality will check whether the application is complete. If the application is not complete, you will get a letter with a request to provide the missing information.
Please note: If you do not respond in time, the application procedure will be stopped. You will then have to submit a new application for an Begin link: environment and planning permit, end link. .
Step 3: Evaluation of whether application complies with the rules
The municipality will check whether the application complies with the rules. If your application does not comply with all the rules, you will be notified. The municipality will talk with you to see whether the application can be changed so that it does comply with the rules.
Step 4: Check whether broad preparation procedure is needed
A permit procedure can be short or broad. Read more about this on the Begin external link: website of the Informatiepunt Leefomgeving(External link), end external link..
- For the short procedure Step 4 will be skipped.
- For the broad procedure the municipality will publish the draft decision.
The municipality will publish the draft decision on Begin external link: link), end external link.. The applicant can submit an objection (zienswijze) to the draft decision.
Neighbourhood residents and businesses can let the municipality know that they do not agree with the draft decision within 6 weeks. They can submit an objection (zienswijze). Instructions on how to do this are included in the public announcement (gemeentebericht). If a draft decision has been taken and you do not agree with it, you can Begin link: appeal the decision, end link. in a court of law.
Step 5: Announcement of decision
The municipality will decide on the requested permit. You can find this decision on Begin external link: link), end external link.. You can also look at the decision at Begin link: The Hague Information Centre, end link. .
Did you apply for the permit and do you not agree with the decision? Then you can Begin link: object to the decision, end link. or Begin link: appeal the ruling, end link. .
Neighbourhood residents and businesses can Begin link: file an objection to the decision, end link. with the Municipal Executive if they do not agree with the decision.
Good to know
You can also receive the municipality’s public announcements of permits by email. Register for the Begin external link: e-mailservice(External link), end external link. (
Video about monitoring the building work
Do you want to know what you have to do once the permit has been granted? Watch the video about monitoring the building work (in Dutch).
Watch the video Omgevingsvergunning bij verbouwen deel 2: Toezicht (YouTube channel of the municipality)
Also see: Apply for an environment and planning permit