Permit to use the public space

Would you like to place a container, scaffold or other object in the public space? Or would you like to hang up a banner or party lights? Then you need to apply for a permit.

Will you be placing a scaffold, rubble container (rubbish skip), portable toilet, site cabin or other object in the public space? For less than 9 weeks, specifically for building activities? Then you only need to notify the municipality. Go to Begin link: Notification of use of public space for building activities, end link. .

Whether you get the permit for use of public space depends on:

  • the object’s dimensions; i.e. how much space it will occupy
  • how long it will be standing there
  • why it will be placed
  • possible nuisance to area residents, pedestrians and other traffic
  • provisions in the zoning plan
  • the appearance of the street
  • special circumstances

Apply for a permit at least 3 weeks in advance. To apply for the ‘use of public space’ permit you need a site assessment (situatieschets). This is a scaled drawing showing the location and measurements of the object and any obstacles (such as streetlights, trees, parking barriers). You can upload the assessment in the application form.

You can also print this form and send it together with the required documents to:

Dienst Stadsbeheer
Handhavingsorganisatie, Afdeling Vergunningen en Handhaving
Postbus 12651
2500 DP Den Haag

The fee is € 86.50.

You will need to pay this fee even if you do not get permit.

A maximum of 8 weeks. You will receive a letter if it will take longer.


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