Apply for on-street loading bay

For businesses it is often difficult to load and unload on streets where many vehicles are parked. Apply for a loading bay. Vehicles are allowed to stand on this spot to load and unload goods right away.

Apply for the loading bay using the Loading bay application form. Include the following documents:

  • a site assessment (situatietekening)
  • indication of required loading and unloading times

Loading bay application form (Dutch)

(PDF, 101.6 KB)

Send the completed form and attachments to:

Gemeente Den Haag
Dienst Stadsbeheer
Handhavingsorganisatie, afdeling Vergunningen en Handhaving
Postbus 12651
2500 DP Den Haag
Or send an email to: Begin link:, end link.

A loading bay will be activated for certain days and times.

The application for a loading bay will be carefully reviewed and investigated. The municipality will look at the size of the loading bay and how long it is needed. The Haaglanden Police and road authority in the city district will research where the loading bay should be placed.

Anyone who wants to load and unload goods is allowed to apply for a loading bay.


The procedure takes 2 to 3 months.


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