Apply to look at construction drawings

Do you want to look at construction drawings made before 2010? Apply for this at the Inzagebalie Bouwtekeningen (Construction Drawings) counter.

Do you want to look at construction drawings made after 2010? Apply for this at Begin link: The Hague Information Centre, end link. .

  • You can view construction drawings (blueprints) by appointment only. You will get a confirmation by email.
  • Would you like to look at a construction drawing for a different address from the one for which you made the appointment? Then you need to make a new appointment.
  • Handle the construction drawings with care. Food, drink, excessive noise and pets are not allowed.
  • The counter cannot guarantee that the information you are seeking is available.

Make an appointment to look at construction drawings.

There is no charge to view the construction drawings. You pay the following fees for a copy or scan:


Format Fee per print
A0 (scan only) € 4
A1 (scan only) € 3
A2 (scan only) € 2.50
A3 € 0.50
A4 € 0.30
You can only pay with a bank card at the counter. You pay during your visit.

Did you purchase a copy or scan at the counter? Then you usually receive this by post or email within 10 working days.

  • If you requested the construction drawings for a specific address, these construction drawings could be part of a large file of records. For example, an entire block of buildings or an apartment complex. The complete file could consist of 1 box, but also dozens of boxes. To find the construction drawings you want, you will need to look through the boxes yourself at the counter.
  • The municipal official will not provide help or advice when you view the materials. However, you will get help when you apply for scans or copies.

Cancel the appointment

Are you unable to come? Notify the counter at least 24 hours in advance. Send an email to Begin link:, end link. . Include:

  • your name
  • the day, date and time of the appointment
  • the address for which you are seeking information
You can only use this email address to cancel appointments.


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