Apply for an environment and planning permit

Do you have plans to build, rebuild or renovate? Do you want to cut down a tree, display an advertisement or place solar panels? Check whether you need a permit. Or apply right away for an environment and planning permit (omgevingsvergunning).

You usually need a permit if you want to carry out any of the following work:

Do you want to close and/or dig up a public road to carry out the work? Then you first need consent (see Begin link: Instemmingsbesluit wegopbrekingen aanvragen (in Dutch), end link. ).

Wet Kwaliteitsborging voor bouwen (Wkb)

In certain cases you must also announce your plans before you start building work. These cases are described on the page Begin link: Melding Wet kwaliteitsborging (Wkb-melding), end link. .


Do you want to build in an area with archaeological value or with potential for new discoveries? Read more on the page Begin external link: Archeologiebeleid en Advies(External link), end external link. (

Permit needed or not

There are different ways of checking whether you need a permit:

Check whether you need a permit with the permit check in the Omgevingsloket:

Archaeology is not yet part of the permit check. Read more on the page Begin external link: Archeologiebeleid en Advies(External link), end external link. (

  • Are you unsure whether your (re)construction plans meet the conditions? Or do you have other questions about (re)construction plans? Request a consultation with a project inspector from the department of Permits and Supervision (Vergunningen & Toezicht). The consultation will be done by telephone and is free. Make an appointment by calling tel. (070) 353 4340.
  • Do you have a company? Visit the Begin link: Local Business Counter (Ondernemersportaal), end link. .

Are you in doubt about whether you will get a permit for your plans? Then you can request an Begin link: initial ruling, end link. . The municipality will investigate whether your plan is feasible. The municipality will use the initial ruling to put in writing whether it will grant an environment and planning permit for your plan. An initial ruling provides no rights or obligations. You must still apply for the environment and planning permit afterwards.

The municipality needs information to be able to tell you whether your plans satisfy the rules. Provide this information on time and make it as complete as possible.

When you apply for an environment and planning permit you must provide all of the information required by the municipality in order to assess your application. Are you applying for an environment and planning permit for technical construction work? Then you need to provide the construction drawings. It could be useful to hire an engineering design bureau or an architect. They can make these drawings for you. The Environment Decree (Omgevingsbesluit) contains the exact requirements for your application.

If your activity does not meet the rules of the Omgevingsplan

Are you applying for an environment and planning permit for work which does not meet the rules of the Omgevingsplan? Then you provide in your application:

  • all the information which clearly shows the spatial impact of this work. For example:
    • Do you want to build a roof structure which is higher than what is allowed under the Omgevingsplan? Then you must provide a shadow analysis. This should visualise the impact on the amount of sunlight received by neighbouring buildings.
    • Do you want to start up a child care centre on a spot where this is not allowed under the Omgevingsplan? Then you must submit a noise analysis (acoustic analysis) which indicates the level of sound which will bounce off the building.
    • Do you want to create a foundation on a spot where a water pipeline is located according to the Omgevingsplan? Then you must submit drawings which indicate exactly where the foundation will be created and how deep it will be.
  • a description of how you will involve your surroundings in your plan. For example, your neighbours, businesses and community organisations. You need to do this before you apply for the permit. In your application you must explain how you involved your surroundings in your plan.

It is usually a good idea to ask an expert to prepare all of the required documents for you.

You can apply for different building work using 1 permit application procedure.

You will need a DigiD for your application. You do not have a DigiD? Begin external link: Apply for a DigiD(External link), end external link.. Companies use Begin link: eHerkenning 2 (EH2), end link. .

After you have applied the municipality will follow a number of steps. Read more on the page Begin link: Procedure after applying for environment and planning permit, end link. .

The municipality charges fees (‘leges’) for an environment and planning permit application.

Look at the list of fees for an environment and planning permit application in the Begin external link: Verordening leges Omgevingswet Den Haag 2024(External link), end external link. (in Dutch).

As of 1 November 2021 the municipality also charges fee for commercial advertising (advertising on a facade). These fees can be found in the Begin external link: Algemene legesverordening Den Haag 2021(External link), end external link. (in Dutch).

Ask for refund

Has your application been rejected or dismissed? In some cases you can Begin link: apply for a refund for environment and planning permit fees, end link. .

After you have applied for the environment and planning permit, you will receive a letter stating how long the procedure will take.

  • The municipality usually will take a decision on your application within 8 weeks. It has the right to extend this period 1 time by a maximum of 6 weeks.
  • Do you have a more complex building plan? Then the municipality will have 12 weeks or 26 weeks to take a decision. You will receive notification about this. The municipality also has the right to extend this period 1 time by a maximum of 6 weeks.

The municipality will publish an announcement about the application on Begin external link: Berichten over uw buurt(External link), end external link.. Everybody can look at the application there or view it at Begin link: The Hague Information Centre, end link. . The construction drawings will also be made public.

  • The municipality will also look at the interests of your neighbours. If the municipality grants you an environment and planning permit, they can file an objection to it.
  • It is important to maintain good relations with your neighbours if you are planning to do building work. Read how you can inform your neighbours on the page Begin link: Building in and with the neighbourhood, end link. .


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