Apply for a property division permit

Do you want to divide a residence in the land register (kadaster)? Then you might need a property division permit (splitsingsvergunning).

  • Only the owner of the residence may apply for a property division permit.
  • A property division permit is required for all buildings which contain living space being let under the rental price limit. This amount is € 900.07 per month (as of 1 January 2025).
  • There should be no objections to the division. And there should be no overdue maintenance on the property. Read more in the council file management system (Begin external link: RIS180711(External link), end external link.).

  • a division plan
  • a structural report

You can apply for a property division permit using the Property division application (Aanvraag kadastraal splitsen):

Formulier Aanvraag kadastraal splitsen

(PDF, 92.4 KB)
  • Print out the form, complete it and send it together with the required documents by post to:
    Dienst Stedelijke Ontwikkeling (DSO)
    Postbus 12655
    2500 DP Den Haag
  • You can also complete the form and send it together with the required documents by email to: Begin link:, end link.
  • Once the permit has been issued, a notary must complete the division. Only when the notary has had the deed of division and the drawings registered in the land register can the apartments be sold separately from each other.
A property division in the land register is only the legal division of apartment rights. In reality no new homes are created. To structurally divide a property into multiple self-contained residences, other rules apply. Look at Begin link: Woning bouwkundig splitsen, end link. (in Dutch).

€ 199.85 per property (for each new apartment right) up to a maximum of € 3,750 per application.


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