Apply for a permit to remove a residential property from the housing stock

Do you want to convert a residential property into a commercial space, shop or office? Or do you want to tear down a residential property or rent it out? Then you need a housing withdrawal permit (onttrekkingsvergunning). The property will then lose its residential function.

You need a housing withdrawal permit to:

  • convert the residential property into commercial space
  • convert the residential property into a shop or office
  • tear down a residential property
  • use a residential property for lodgings; this is usually the case if you want to rent out accommodation to people who will stay in The Hague for a short time. For more information see Begin link: Renting out short stay accommodation, end link.

You can request the application form by sending an email to Begin link:, end link. .

The application form will then be sent to you.

€ 562.85. You will also pay these fees if you do not receive the permit.

Because The Hague has a housing shortage, the municipality usually does not grant a housing withdrawal permit to use a residential property for lodgings. Sometimes a tailor-made solution is possible. Then the municipality will work on a legalisation track. Your buildng will get a lodgings function with the right permits: an environment and planning permit and a housing withdrawal permit.

This is only possible if you submit proof in your permit application demonstrating that your residential property has in practice been used as lodgings since its establishment (as living space).

In addition it is important that:

  • there are no known violations concerning the building, other than the provision of lodgings
  • the building meets the structural requirements for lodgings


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