Apply for a permit to hold a private market

Would you like to organise a private market or street festival? These may be held in 1 of the designated locations. You need a permit for this.

A private market is a market that is not organised by the municipality in The Hague.

  • You must submit the application between 8 weeks and 1 year prior to the start of the market or street festival.
  • A market may last up to 5 consecutive days. In December it may last up to 30 days.
  • An applicant may organise up to 12 markets per calendar year.
  • The first one to submit a (complete) application will in principle be issued a permit for a location. An exception to this is an application from a Business Investment Zone (BIZ). This application is given priority over other applications which are submitted on the same day.
  • The market or street festival for which you are applying for a private market permit must:
    • be primarily used to sell goods and merchandise
    • be organised by 1 person
    • have at least 7 points of sale
  • You may sell food and drinks for consumption at the location.
  • Mechanical or live music for the market is included in the permit.

  • A market plan that guarantees that the market is being organised in a proper and safe way.
  • A map of the market.

After you have submitted the application online, you will receive a link to a special programme which you can use to draw the market map. You may choose to use this programme or submit your own map in PDF.

Applying for a permit for a private market costs € 754.20. This amount must be paid even if you are not issued a permit.

You will be notified within approximately 8 weeks. If a market or fair is already being organised on the date and at the location you proposed, the municipality will notify you earlier.

A private market or street festival may be held in designated locations.
A market may be held at most 1 time a month in these locations. In parks they may be held at most 2 times a year.

The locations are:

  • squares: Circusplein, Gevers Deynootplein, Johanna Westerdijkplein, Lange Voorhout, Rabbijn Maarsenplein, Schalk Burgerplein, Slachthuisplein, Varkenmarkt, Stationsplein/Stationsweg, Scheveningen Haven
  • parks: Malieveld, Zuiderpark
  • waterways: canals
  • locations stated in the detailhandelsmonitor (retail monitor), plus Westeinde

Is the main purpose of the private market or street festival not to sell goods and merchandise, but rather to offer ‘public entertainment’ such as (live) music, a fancy fair or play equipment? Then do not apply for a private market permit, but rather an Begin link: event permit, end link. .

Given the harmful effects on animal welfare, the municipality does not encourage the use of animals such as birds of prey and owls at events, markets and street festivals.


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