Apply for a permit for a small event

Do you want to organise an event which will have a relatively big impact on the public space such as a neighbourhood party, sports competition, parade, remembrance ceremony, pop concert or dance party? Then you need a permit.

When is reporting the event enough? And when do you need a different type of permit?

  • There will be between 250 and 25,000 visitors.
  • The event will be held in a public space (park, square, sports field etc.)
  • The permit holder is responsible for the event transpiring safely.
  • Any costs for the organisation, measures (public order), roadblocks and cleaning of the event area are for the organiser.
  • It is not permitted to serve strong alcoholic drinks. For lower alcoholic beverages, you must apply for an exemption. In the application you can specify that you wish to serve alcohol. You will automatically be informed of any additional conditions to serving alcoholic drinks.
  • Food and drink must meet the standards of the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority. See Begin external link: link), end external link..
  • For events held on Sundays before 13.00 hrs. (with sound amplification), you need to apply for an exemption to the Sunday Act. You can specify this in the application for an event permit. See the Begin external link: Zondagswet(External link), end external link. on

  • details about the event
  • details about the applicant
  • map of the event site
    If you make the report online, you will receive a link to a special programme. Use it to draw a map of the event.
  • standard safety plan. This in any case includes:
    • safety measures: the name of the security company you are hiring, the number of security personnel, where you will deploy them and the contact details of the point of contact for the emergency services
    • the measures you are taking to maintain public order
    • deployment of first aid
    • in the case of building structures: specific construction details

Sample map

(PDF, 761.7 KB)

Construction details of structures (in Dutch)

(PDF, 17.2 KB)

You can apply for the permit online:

€ 681.55 for processing your application. You need to pay these fees even if the permit is not granted.

You must submit the permit application for an event at least 8 weeks before the start of the event.


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