Parking in downtown The Hague
You can easily take public transportation to reach The Hague’s city centre. Are you nevertheless planning to drive? Park your car in a parking garage.
Parking routes
Are you coming to The Hague by car, motorcycle, microcar or sightseeing coach? You can choose to follow 1 of the 4 parking routes from the Centrumring. There are various parking garages along these parking routes.
- P-route Centrum-Noord
- P-route Centrum-Zuid
- P-route Centrum-West
- P-route Centraal Station

Parking garages
The pedestrian zone in the city centre is closed off to cars and trucks. The parking routes lead you around the car-free downtown area and to the closest parking garage(s) with available parking spaces.
Look at Begin link: the map with parking garages and disabled parking spots, end link. .
Parking garages closed or entrance changed
Due to the construction of the new educational and cultural complex (OCC) some parking garages are closed or the entrance has been changed.
- Due to construction work around the Spuikwartier, the parking garage under the Spuiplein (Parking Spui Centre) is closed. The parking garages under City Hall (Stadhuis) and on the Turfmarkt are open.
- The parking garage under City Hall (Stadhuis) will remain open during the construction of the new educational and cultural complex. The entrance to the parking garage is on the Ammunitiehaven. The entrance on the Schedeldoekshaven is no longer there. Opening hours:
- Monday to Friday from 7.00 to 1.00 hrs.
- Saturday from 8.00 to 1.00 hrs.
- Sunday from 11.30 to 1.00 hrs.
- The entrance to the Turfmarkt parking garage has moved to Schedeldoekshaven 204. This is the only entrance. The route to this parking garage:
- From the Prins Bernhardviaduct follow the blue ‘P’ signs to the Turfmarkt parking garage.
- At the end of the Prins Bernhardviaduct at the traffic lights make a loop to the Ammunitiehaven.
- Follow the signs to the entrance of the Turfmarkt parking garage.
Paid parking
Paid parking is in effect downtown:
- Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to midnight
- Sunday from 13.00 to midnight
A number of streets have paid parking on Saturday and Sunday morning until 2.00 hrs. In a number of streets you are allowed to park a maximum of 120 or 240 minutes. Would you like to park for a longer amount time? Park in 1 of the Begin link: parking garages, end link. in the city centre.
Motorcycles and microcars are permitted to park anywhere where passenger cars may park. Motorcycles do not have to pay for parking. Microcars do have to pay for parking in areas where paid parking is in effect.
The city has reserved long-term parking spots for sightseeing coaches. There are also reserved spots close to tourist sites where passengers can get on and off these buses. It is not necessary to pay for parking at these reserved spots.
Look at the Begin link: reserved spots on the map, end link. .
for long-term parking (indicated by a pink/purple stripe)
for passengers to get on and off the bus (indicated by a blue stripe)
Also see: Overview of maps for parking