Ticket (citation) for parking violation
If you park your vehicle in a spot where it is not allowed, you will get a ticket. Often your car will also be towed away.
The fine for parking a vehicle in the wrong spot is € 120. For parking illegally in a disabled parking space the fine is € 500. The official name of the ticket in Dutch is ‘aankondiging of kennisgeving van beschikking’ and it is sometimes also called a ‘proces verbaal’.
Notification on your car
You will no longer get a printed ticket. You will still get a general notification of the offence on your car.
You can pay the fine for a parking violation using iDEAL or online banking. You will receive a ticket within a few weeks from the Central Judicial Collection Agency (CJIB) in Leeuwarden. You will not be able to pay this ticket at the counter of the towing company.
Appealing the fine
Do you disagree with the ticket (citation)? Then you can appeal the fine at the Ministry of Justice and Security. It is not possible to appeal the fine at the municipality. You can file an appeal once you have received the ticket from the Central Judicial Collection Agency. You can read about the appeals procedure in the accompanying letter from the CJIB.