Purchase extra parking credit

You get a certain number of parking hours (parking credit) on your parking permit per permit year. Have you used up this credit? Then you can purchase extra hours each year.

  • You can purchase an extra 50 hours 1 time per permit year (no more and no less).
  • Only for religious institutions: you can purchase an extra 200 hours per per permit year (no more and no less). The space for public gatherings has to be bigger than 1,600 m2.
  • The parking hours on your permit are meant only for you or your own visitors (or visitors to your organisation). And you must register your visitors yourself.
  • You are not allowed to let other people use the parking permit.
  • If you abuse the parking permit, the municipality can cancel your parking permit.

Have you used up your parking hours? Then you can purchase extra hours in MijnDenHaag. To do this you log in using DigiD. You can pay for the hours right away through iDEAL.

€ 50 for 50 hours. For religious institutions: € 50 for 200 hours. Look at the conditions on the page Begin link: Apply for a parking permit for religious institutions, end link. (in Dutch).

The extra hours you purchase will be credited to your parking permit within 1 week.

  • You are allowed to carry over a maximum of 50 hours at the end of your permit year. This will happen automatically. You need to have paid for your new parking permit on time. Do you have more than 50 hours left? You will lose these hours.
  • It is not possible to take your parking credit with you to another area.
  • If you cancel the permit, you will lose the credit.
  • The number of hours you get on a Begin link: visitor’s parking permit, end link. depends on the permit area. You can see how much credit you still have in your Begin link: parking app, end link. .


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