General parking information
In many parts of The Hague, you have to pay a fee for on-street parking. It is often easier and cheaper to park in a parking garage rather than on the street.
More and more areas of The Hague have paid parking. You can find an overview of paid on-street parking in The Hague on Begin link: Den Haag op de kaart, end link. . For the times and rates for paid on-street parking in all of The Hague’s neighbourhoods go to the website Begin external link: link), end external link..
Below are different options for parking your car in The Hague.
- Parking in the city centre. If you happen to drive to the city centre, your best option is to park in 1 of the 20 multi-storey or underground car parks. They provide 6,500 parking spaces. The electronic parking information signs will guide you easily to the nearest available parking spot. Also see Begin link: Parking in downtown The Hague, end link. .
- Parking in Scheveningen. The popular seaside resort of Scheveningen has its own electronic parking information system. It will guide you to 1 of 4,500 parking spaces in 3 multi-storey parking garages or 2 open car parks. Also see Begin link: Parking at The Hague’s coast, end link. .
- P+R facilities. The Hague has many different Begin link: park-and-ride facilities, end link. at the edge of the city as well as within city limits. Motorists can park their cars there and then travel on to their destinations in the city. They can choose to continue their journey by public transport or bicycle.
Paying for on-street parking
Make sure that you pay the correct fee at the parking meter. If you do not pay, you can expect to receive a gift in the form of a parking ticket. You will have to pay a fine in addition to the 1-hour parking fee.
Click here for information about paying your Begin link: parking ticket, end link. . If you do not agree with the fine, you can Begin link: challenge your parking ticket, end link. .
There are a number of ways you can pay for on-street parking.
- Bank card / credit card. You can pay for on-street parking in The Hague with your bank card or credit card at all of the city’s parking meters. The parking meters operate on the basis of number plate parking. See Begin link: Paid parking on the street, end link. .
- Phone parking. Subscribe to the handy system of paying for on-street parking with your mobile phone or through internet. Subscriptions are valid in other large cities in the Netherlands and sometimes even at a number of parking garages. Visit Begin link: Pay-by-phone parking in The Hague, end link. for information about service providers and customer registration.
- Parking permit for residents. If you live in a paid parking zone, you may be entitled to a parking permit for your neighbourhood. Visit information on Begin link: Parking permits for residents, end link. .
These signs indicate where you must pay to park your car on the street. The rates and times are specified on all parking meters.

Plan ahead and find out about parking facilities at your intended destination before you go.