Parking ticket
You did not pay for parking or you did not pay enough? Or did you park without a valid permit? Then you will get a parking ticket. This parking ticket is called a ‘naheffingsaanslag parkeerbelastingen’ or ‘naheffing’ in Dutch.
Did you park without a permit or did you not pay (enough)? Then you will get a parking ticket. You will get the parking ticket by post or on the windscreen of your car.
If you parked your car in a spot where it is not allowed, you will get a Begin link: citation for a parking violation, end link. . You will get a letter from the Central Judicial Collection Agency (CJIB). The letter will explain how you can pay or appeal the citation.
Owner known
The municipality will send the parking ticket within 7 working days. The owner of the car will receive the parking ticket. You must pay the parking ticket within 17 days.
Owner unknown
The municipality does not know who owns the car? Then the parking warden will leave a card on the windscreen of the car. Did you find a card on your car and would you like to know how much you must pay? Then Begin link: contact the municipality, end link. .
Citation for parking violation
Did you park your car in a spot where it is not allowed? Then you will get a parking citation. Often your car will also be towed away. You can pay the fine for a parking violation using iDEAL or online banking. You will receive a fine at your home address within a few weeks from the Central Judicial Collection Agency (CJIB) in Leeuwarden. Begin external link: Read how you can pay the fine on the website of the CJIB(External link), end external link..
- The fine is € 78.80.
- You must also pay the hourly rate (or half-hourly rate) for the parking spot.
This is € 0.10, € 0.20, € 2.70, € 7, € 50.
You can pay the parking fine via MijnDenHaag. You can also transfer the amount directly.
Pay via MijnDenHaag
You can pay the parking ticket right away online in MijnDenHaag. You log in using your DigiD.
Make a bank transfer
Would you rather transfer the amount? You can do this to:
- IBAN: NL12 BNGH 0285 1336 75
- payable to: Gem Den Haag – Belastingen
State the payment reference on the parking ticket (betalingskenmerk). The municipality can then process your payment.
Are you paying from abroad? Then also note the BIC (SWIFT code) in your bank transfer: BNGHNL2G (Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten).
No European bank account
If you do not have a European bank account, transfer your payment to ING Bank in Brussels. ING Bank will make sure that the amount will be credited to the account of the municipality. The bank details of ING Bank in Brussels are:
- IBAN: BE 54301017956397
- BIC (swiftcode): BBRUBEBB010
Include the following 3 details in the description of your payment:
- NL 12 BNGH 028 51 33 675
- the payment reference on the parking ticket (betalingskenmerk)
Apply for a payment plan
Are you unable to pay the parking ticket on time? Begin link: Apply for a payment plan, end link. .
Pay for and extend parking permit
Has your parking permit expired and would you like to pay for it? Look at Begin link: Pay for parking permit, end link. .
Do you disagree with the fine? Then you can Begin link: challenge your parking ticket, end link. .