Subsidy to demolish diesel vans popular

The municipality has received dozens of applications from businesses who want to replace their diesel van with an electric van. Businesses can get up to € 3,500 as a subsidy from the municipality.

Zero emissions van

As of 1 January 2025 there will be a zero-emission zone in the city centre. As of this date new delivery vans and trucks driving into this zone must be emission-free (non-polluting). This means only vehicles powered by electricity or hydrogen. Businesses who want to prepare for this can Begin link: apply for a subsidy, end link. (in Dutch) at the municipality.

Dozens of applications have been submitted since the start of the subsidy measures on 10 April 2024. The amount of interest in the measures goes beyond all expectations. The subsidy measures will be available until the end of 2024.

Cleaner air

On an average day more than 20,000 delivery vans and 1,700 trucks drive through the city centre. The air quality should improve if these vehicles are powered by electricity. This is the most important goal of the subsidy measure.

More info

Begin link: Zero-emission zone in The Hague, end link.


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