Give your opinion on the draft Woonvisie 2040

The municipality wants to tackle the housing shortage. For example, by building new homes and by modifying existing properties. This is contained in the draft Woonvisie 2040 (Housing Agenda 2040). What do you think of the plans? Let the municipality know.


You have until 19 July to let the municipality know what you think of the draft Woonvisie 2040. This process is formally called ‘zienswijze indienen’. The municipality will collect all remarks and ideas and add them to the draft Woonvisie 2040. 

It is still a ‘draft housing agenda’ because the plans still need to be approved by the municipal council. This is expected to happen in the autumn of 2024. Once the municipal council has approved the draft Woonvisie 2040, the municipality can get to work.

4 priorities

  • The municipality wants to relieve the housing shortage as much as possible by building new homes. In addition, existing properties will be used more effectively, for example by placing an extra floor on top.
  • People who live independently and need care will get extra attention. For example, by building more properties which are wheelchair accessible.
  •  The municipality wants each year to make 10,000 poorly insulated properties more energy efficient. Extra measures will be carried out in neighbourhoods where many properties in poor condition are located.
  • A good home is located close to shops, health care, greenery and public transportation. And the area should be safe. Neighbourhoods where services and safety are a problem will be improved.

Look at Woonvisie 2040

Begin external link: Read the draft Woonvisie 2040 online(External link), end external link. (in Dutch).

You can also look at the document online and on paper at The Hague Information Centre in City Hall at Spui 70. Make an appointment to do this by phoning tel. 14070 or online through Begin link: The Hague Information Centre, end link. .

Your opinion

You can give the municipality your opinion on the draft housing agenda in 2 ways. Send an email to Begin link:, end link. with ‘zienswijze’ in the subject line. Or send a letter to: Gemeente Den Haag, afdeling DSO/Wonen, Postbus 12600, 2500 DJ Den Haag. Include in your email or letter your name, address, telephone number and email address.


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