Draft Woonvisie 2040 to tackle housing crisis

The Hague has been hit hard by the housing crisis. More and more people are looking for a suitable and affordable home. The draft Woonvisie 2040 (Housing Agenda 2040) contains the municipality’s plans for tackling the housing shortage.

Woonvisie Housing Agenda 2040

Many people who are looking for a home in The Hague are having a difficult time. They are unable to find an affordable and suitable home in the city. Especially people with lower and middle incomes are having a problem. Also seniors and people who require care are having a hard time finding an appropriate home.

Many residents would like to take the next step but they are unable to due to the housing shortage. As a result 20-year-olds are forced to keep living with their parents. And seniors who would like to move to a same-floor apartment are often stuck in a family home which is too big for them. Young couples who are unable to find a home are deciding to delay having children.

New housing

Constructing more homes helps to relieve the housing shortage. This is why new homes are being build where possible. The municipality is focusing on building as many affordable new homes as possible. This means that more space will be earmarked for social housing and the mid-market rental sector as well as affordable purchase homes.

Existing homes

The Hague is sandwiched between the sea and neighbouring municipalities and there is limited space. New building projects alone will not be enough to solve the housing crisis. The municipality needs other ways of creating housing. For example, modifying existing properties by building an extra floor on top of an apartment building or house. Other solutions include room rentals and dividing properties.

Many properties are poorly maintained in The Hague. The municipality wants to improve existing properties, for example by insulating them. This way occupants can save money on their energy bill. The goal is to carry out these measures every year for 10,000 properties.

The municipality will carry out checks in neighbourhoods where many properties in poor condition are located. It will also tackle any abuses, especially in problem neighbourhoods.

Municipal Council

The plans in the draft Woonvisie 2040 still need to be approved by the municipal council. The plans cannot yet be carried out. This is only possible once the municipal council has agreed to them. A decision is planned for the autumn of 2024. Once the municipal council has approved the draft Woonvisie 2040, the municipality can get to work.

The complete Woonvisie 2040 and a short explanation Begin link: can be found on the Dutch page about the Woonvisie, end link. .

Your opinion wanted

You have until 19 July to let the municipality know what you think of the draft Woonvisie 2040. This process is formally called ‘zienswijze indienen’. The municipality will collect all remarks and ideas and add them to the draft Woonvisie 2040. Read how you can communicate your ideas to the municipality on the page Begin link: Give your opinion on the draft Woonvisie 2040, end link. .


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