HMS employee empties organic waste bin into garbage truck

Separating waste: organic waste (GFT)

Coffee grounds, apple peels, spent tulips: a large part of our waste is organic waste, like food and garden waste (GFT in Dutch). Read in which neighbourhoods organic waste is being collected.

Your organic waste will be turned into biogas and compost for farming and gardening. By separating your organic waste from other waste, you are working towards a better environment.

From 17 March to 25 April 2025 the municipality will collect your tree trimmings and branches for free during the Takkenroute. You can now Begin link: make an appointment, end link.  for this.

Organic waste collection days

In the neighbourhoods where the municipality collects organic waste, every household can put out their GFT (Groente-, fruit- en tuinafval) container for collection. Below you can see which neighbourhoods these are. The Begin link: household waste calendar, end link. lists the collection days for organic waste.

City district Collection of organic waste
Centrum Only in Archipelbuurt
Escamp Only in Wateringseveld
Haagse Hout Only in Marlot, Benoordenhout, Bezuidenhout-midden and Bezuidenhout-oost
Laak No separate collection in Laak
Leidschenveen-Ypenburg Leidschenveen, Morgenweide, Singels, De Venen, Waterbuurt
Loosduinen All of Loosduinen
Scheveningen Scheveningen except for: the coast, the area bordered by the Kranenburgweg, Westduinweg, Schipperplein, Roerstraat, Prins Willemplein, Jurriaan Kokstraat, Gevers Deynootweg and Strandweg
Segbroek Only in Vogelwijk, Bomen- en Bloemenbuurt, Vruchtenbuurt and Heesterbuurt (north of the Mient)

Order a GFT container

For the separate collection of organic waste, you will need a GFT bucket or container. You do not yet have a GFT container? Order one via Begin link: Order a wheelie bin (kliko), end link. .

The GFT bucket or container is allowed to be placed on the street only on the collection day itself.

Dispose of organic waste

Residents living in the neighbourhood of Ypenburg can use the underground rubbish containers for organic waste. Look where these Begin link: rubbish containers, end link.  are located on the map.

Experiment with underground GFT containers

In the city districts of Centrum, Segbroek and Escamp the municipality will start an experiment for 1 year to separate organic waste (GFT). The municipality will change a number of underground containers into GFT containers. You can then dispose of your separate organic waste in these containers. The experiment with underground GFT containers begins on 1 November 2024.


As of 1 November 2024 you can dispose of your organic waste in an underground GFT container by Dintelstraat 41. At Nieuwe Haven 80 1 household rubbish container will change into a GFT container as of 1 November 2024.


At the Tjalie Robinsonduin the PMD container will change into a GFT container as of 1 November 2024. You can dispose of your organic waste in this container.


At Stadzijde 22 and Maartensdijklaan 386 the PMD container will change into a GFT container as of 1 November 2024. You can dispose of your GFT in this container.

What is allowed in the GFT bucket or container?

Look at the examples below.

Are you in doubt about what is allowed in the container? Look at the Begin external link: Afvalscheidingswijzer(External link), end external link. (in Dutch) or throw it in the regular household rubbish container.

Allowed in the GFT bucket or container

Food scraps:

  • bread
  • leftover cooked meals
  • nut shells
  • vegetable, fruit and potato scraps
  • meat and fish scraps (including bones and shells)
  • tea bags and filters with coffee grounds

Small garden and plant waste:

  • leaves
  • cut grass
  • house plants
  • garden clippings
  • weeds
  • cut flowers


  • manure from small pets with straw

Not allowed in the GFT bucket or container

  • ash from ashtrays and the fireplace
  • biodegradable plastic (takes too long before it turns into compost)
  • frying oil
  • dog and cat hairs
  • wood
  • large garden waste, such as branches, Christmas trees, sand and sod
  • cheese rinds with plastic
  • cat litter
  • chewing gum
  • cigarette butts
  • stable manure
  • internal organs and entrails from a butchered animal
  • bird cage sand

Making compost yourself

You can easily make compost yourself from organic waste. This way you help to reduce the amount of waste. And you change your organic waste into a rich humus for the soil in your garden or flower boxes. You can make compost in a compost bin which you can buy at a home improvement store or garden centre. You can find tips on the website of Begin external link: Milieu Centraal(External link), end external link..

There are also different neighbourhood initiatives in the city which are involved with composting. Look at the Begin external link: educational website of Milieueducatie(External link), end external link. for more information and tips. Or watch the video on composting.

Have large garden waste collected

Would you like to arrange to have your large garden waste collected? This is available free of charge. Garden waste which is collected during the Takkenroute will be turned into compost. The Takkenroute is held 2 times a year: in the spring and in the autumn. Make a free appointment for collection through the page Begin link: Arrange collection of bulky waste and garden waste, end link. .


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