Head outdoors: activities for children
Discovering, moving about and playing in nature is fun and healthy. The Naar buiten! project organises all kinds of activities in The Hague’s green spaces for children from 4 and 12 years old and their parents.
Activities are organised during the school holidays in partnership with the Vakantiepas. You can see what there is to do and sign up on the Begin external link: website Naar Buiten(External link), end external link..

50 things list
The municipality has drawn up the 50 things list (50-dingenlijst) especially for children under the age of 12. The list contains all kinds of activities which children should do before they turn 12. You can pick up the 50 things list (in Dutch) at 1 of Begin link: The Hague’s city farms, end link. .
Head outdoors!
It is not always a given that city children are able to play outside in green and natural surroundings. This is why Naar Buiten! would like to encourage children and their parents to head outdoors more often. Both in the city as well as outside the city. Playing outside is not only fun, but also healthy.

Green is good for you
Naar buiten! is part of the Begin external link: Groen doet goed(External link), end external link. project in the Province of SouthHolland. Ten municipalities are participating in this project. In The Hague the Department of Nature and Environmental Education organises Naar Buiten! activities throughout the year together with:

More information
Questions about the Naar Buiten! project can be sent by email to: Begin link: milieueducatie.po@denhaag.nl, end link. .