The municipal organisation
The Municipality of The Hague is divided into 8 departments. Below you will find more information about how the organisation is structured, the Annual Social Report and working for the municipality.
Organisational structure
The Begin link: Municipal Council, end link. is responsible for the general administration of the municipality. The Begin link: Municipal Executive, end link. (het college van burgemeester en wethouders) governs the day-to-day administration of the municipality.

The Municipality of The Hague has the following departments:
Bestuursdienst (BSD) – Department of Municipal Administration
- administrative and legal affairs
- communication and city branding
- Begin link: central real estate agency, end link.
- public order and safety
Dienst Bedrijfsvoering (DBV) – Department of Operations Management
- computerisation and automation
- operations management expertise centre
- internal services centre
- Resilient The Hague
- Smart The Hague
Dienst Publiekszaken (previously Burgerzaken) (DPZ) – Department of Public Service
- products and services
- The Hague Public Library
- The Hague City Archives
- tax department
- city districts and neighbourhoods
More about the Begin link: Department of Public Service, end link. .
Dienst Stadsbeheer (DSB) – Department of City Management
- general affairs and management support
- archaeology and nature and environmental education
- City Management policy division
- accessibility and traffic management
- parks & recreation and cemeteries
- street cleaning
- municipal enforcement team
- The Hague engineering office
- markets
- authorisation
- city management
Dienst Onderwijs, Cultuur en Welzijn (OCW) – Department of Education, Culture & Well-Being
- sport
- culture
- education
- public health (GGD)
- well-being
Dienst Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheidsprojecten (SZW) – Department of Social Affairs and Employment Projects
- work and income
Contact Begin link: SZW customer service, end link. .
Dienst Stedelijke Ontwikkeling (DSO) – Department of Urban Development
- spatial and economic development
- urban planning
- mobility and infrastructure
- housing
- monument conservation and building inspectorate
- permits, building and housing supervision and enforcement
- energy transition
Gemeentelijke Accountantsdienst (GAD) – Municipal Accounting Department
- auditing
Municipal Clerk’s Office
In 2002 The Hague Municipal Council introduced the concept of a dual government. This means that there is a separation of powers between the Municipal Council (Gemeenteraad) and the Municipal Executive (college van burgemeester en wethouders). The Municipal Clerk’s Office (Griffie) was created when political dualism was introduced. You can find more information on the page Begin link: Municipal Clerk’s Office, end link. .
Annual Social Report
The Annual Social Report contains facts and figures on municipal employees. You can find previous editions of the annual report in the Council File Management System or Begin external link: Raadsinformatiesysteem (RIS)(External link), end external link..
Would you like to work at the municipality? And would you like to know about the vacancies? You can read about them on the website Begin external link: link), end external link..