Municipal organisation
The municipality is divided into 8 departments. Read more about the structure, the Annual Social Report and working for the municipality.
Begin link: Read more, end link.

The Hague Municipal Council
Residents aged 18 and over elect the members of the municipal council in the municipal elections, held every 4 years. The municipal council represents the residents in the city government.
The Hague Municipal Executive
The municipal executive comprises the mayor and all the aldermen. It is responsible for the day-to-day management of the municipality. The mayor chairs the municipal council and municipal executive.
Who does what where?
- Begin link: Department of Public Service (DPZ), end link.
- Begin link: Department of Social Affairs and Employment Projects (SZW), end link.
- Begin link: The Hague City Archives, end link.
- Begin link: Municipal Tax Department, end link.
- Begin link: Parking, end link.
- Begin link: Directorate of International Affairs, end link.
- Begin link: Public Health Department (GGZ Haaglanden), end link.
- Begin link: Bureau City Branding, end link.
- Begin link: Stadskamer: share your thoughts with the municipality, end link.