Request a mailing address

The municipality needs to register you at the address where you usually spend the night. Do you temporarily have no home address and you want to be able to receive post? Apply at the municipality for a mailing address. You will then receive your post temporarily at the home of a friend, acquaintance or family member.

A mailing address is a temporary solution for people who do not have a fixed home address for a short period of time. For example, if you are homeless or staying in a care facility.

Home address

A home or residential address is the real street address where you are living. Are you living in different places? Then the home address is the address where you most often spend the night during a half-year (6-month) period. You can also be living in a caravan, mobile home, in a holiday park or on a boat. The structure should be standing in a fixed location or have a fixed berth.

Mailing address

A mailing address (briefadres) is an address which senders can use to send you postal mail. This way you can receive important post from the government and other organisations. When you apply for a mailing address, the municipality will always check whether you have no fixed home address.

Apply to use a friend, acquaintance or family member’s address as a mailing address

In order to apply you will need to make 2 separate appointments to visit a municipal counter.

For the 1st appointment:

  • At the 1st appointment you will receive 2 forms: an application form for a mailing address (aanvraagformulier briefadres) and a declaration of consent (toestemmingsverklaring).
  • You and the person allowing you to use his address (the main occupant or the owner of the address) complete and sign the forms.
  • You will then make another appointment at the Department of Public Service counter.

At the 2nd appointment:

  • You take the completed forms to the appointment. You then use them to apply for a mailing address.
  • The municipal official will check whether the forms have been completed correctly and have been signed.

Afterwards the municipal official will forward the application. The municipality will check whether you are allowed to request a mailing address.

Ask for a mailing address at the Homeless counter

Are you homeless and are you unable to receive your postal mail at the home address of a friend, acquaintance or family member? The Homeless counter (daklozenloket) may be able to help.

Contact the Homeless counter. Call tel. (070) 353 72 91 or visit during the walk-in consultation hours at Fruitweg 17 in The Hague. Read more about the Begin link: Homeless counter, end link. .

  • You can be registered at only 1 address in the Netherlands. This is either a home address or a mailing address.
  • The address you provide as a mailing address must be a residential house. It is not possible to use a company address or a post office box number as a mailing address.
  • A mailing address is usually valid for a short period.
  • The mailing address is in The Hague.
  • The main occupant or owner of the address must be registered at the mailing address. This person must give his consent during the application procedure.
  • Would you like to temporarily receive your mail at the home address of a friend, acquaintance or family member? Then this person must make sure that you actually receive your postal mail.

Read more about the conditions in the Begin external link: Regeling briefadres Den haag 2024 (RIS318249)(External link), end external link. (in Dutch).

You must make an appointment to request a mailing address. You can then visit a municipal counter in Begin link: City Hall Spui or the Leyweg City Office, end link. . It is not possible to apply online.

Are you moving to the Netherlands for the first time or are you deregistered and would you like to register again? Then this procedure does not apply to you. In that case Begin link: contact the municipality, end link. .

This depends on the situation. It can take up to 8 weeks if an investigation is required.

Requesting a mailing address is free.

Cancel mailing address

When you have a home address (again), you will have to cancel your mailing address. Report your new home address in Begin link: Request address investigation, end link. .

Parking permit not possible

You cannot apply for a parking permit for a mailing address. This is only possible for a home address. If you have a parking permit, the municipality will end it.

Mailing address and benefits or debts

Is somebody using your address as a mailing address? You are not responsible for this person’s debts. This person will also not be registered as a resident of the address. This means there will be no consequences for your benefits, rent allowance or healthcare benefit. If you have any of these.


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