Report your move

Are you going to move within The Hague or to The Hague? Report your change of address to the municipality on time. Do this within 5 days after the move.

How it works

  1. Report your move

    The fastest way is online. Is your family moving with you? Then you can report this right away.

  2. The municipality will register you at your new address

    You will automatically be deregistered from your old address.

  3. You will be notified once your address has been changed

    The municipality will send a letter to your new address. This can take a month. You can see on Begin external link: MijnOverheid(External link), end external link. whether your move has been processed.


  • You are moving within The Hague. Or you are moving to The Hague from another municipality in the Netherlands.
  • You are 16 years or older.
  • You can be registered at only 1 address.

  • Before you move: this is possible as of 4 weeks before your moving date.
  • After you have moved: this is possible up to 5 days after your moving date.

The moving date is the date you specify when you report the move.

You can report the move for yourself and for all family members who are moving with you. Everybody must be living at the same address together. And moving to the same new address.

Report a move for somebody else

Read below when this is allowed. And how you do this for:

Are you moving with your family from your old address to your new one? You can report the move for:

  • Your partner. You must be married or in a civil partnership. If not, each partner must report the move themselves.
  • Your children.
  • Your parents.

You can report the move online or by post. The fastest way is online.

Is your child younger than 16 years? Or he does not yet have a DigiD? Then you can report the move by post or at a municipal counter.

From the age of 16 your child can report the move online using DigiD.

You can report the move for somebody who gives you permission (authorises you) to do so. You can report the move only by post or at a municipal counter.

Bring the following with you as proof of permission:

  1. your own identity document
  2. (a copy of) the identity document for the person for whom you are reporting the move
  3. a letter with the permission (authorisation)

Are you the guardian of somebody under guardianship? Report the move by post. Send proof that you are the guardian.

The facility must report the move by post. Inquire about this at the care facility.

Copy of your rental contract or purchase deed

You must include proof of your new address. With the page stating your name, new address, contract start date and signature. You do not have a rental contract or purchase deed? Look at Begin link: Proof of occupancy, end link. for more information.

icoon contract

If you are going to move in with somebody: permission from the main occupant

The main occupant must give permission. Use the Begin link: permission form (PDF), end link. for this. Also send a copy of the identity document for the main occupant.

icoon woning

If you are reporting the move by post: a copy of your identity document

Such as a passport, driving licence or identity card. Make a safe copy using the Begin external link: KopieID app(External link), end external link. of the Government of the Netherlands.

icoon id bewijzen

You can only report the move online if you are moving yourself. Would you like to report the move for somebody else? Check when and how you can do this under Who can report the move.

Report your move online

You do this using your DigiD.

Problems doing this online?

Use the moving form to report your new address.

Moving form

(PDF, 211.7 KB)

Send the form with the required documents to:

Gemeente Den Haag
DPZ/KCC Unit Beheer en Verstrekkingen
Afdeling Adreswijziging
Postbus 12620
2500 DL Den Haag

Only in special circumstances is it possible to report a move at a municipal counter. You need to make an appointment to do this. Call tel. 14070. A call agent will assist you.

Special circumstances include:

  • Your child is younger than 16 years and is moving alone.
  • You have an authorisation and you are reporting the move for somebody else.
  • You are not able to report the move by post or online.

Do you need assistance? Stop by a Begin link: Servicepunt XL, end link.  in your area. A staff member can help you fill in the (online) application form.

the municipality will register you within 5 working days after the moving date
By post
the municipality will register you within 2 weeks after the moving date

Do you want to check whether you are registered at your new address? Look at Begin external link: link), end external link.. You will also get a letter at your new address within 1 month.

I am moving within the same area

Are you moving within the same permit area? Then you can take your parking permit with you. Send an email or letter with you new address to the Begin link: Municipal Parking Division, end link. .

I am moving to another area

Are you moving to a different permit area? Then you have to cancel your permit and apply for a new one. You can apply for the new permit only once you are registered at your new address.

For more information go to

I am moving to another city

Are you moving to another municipality. Then you need to Begin link: cancel your permit, end link. .

Are you reporting the move on time? The moving date is the date you specify when you report the move.

Are you reporting your new address more than 5 days after your move? Then the day the municipality receives your change of address will count as your moving date. This may have consequences for your benefits.

You can check whether you are already registered at your new address on Begin external link: link), end external link..

The municipality will provide your change of address to important organisations such as the Tax Administration (Belastingdienst), pension funds, Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) and health insurance companies. Read more on the Begin external link: website of the Government of the Netherlands(External link), end external link..

Are you moving from The Hague to another municipality in the Netherlands? Then you report your move in your new municipality. You do not need to deregister from The Hague. Your new place of residence will report the move to The Hague.

No, you can be registered at only 1 address. You register at the address where you most often spend the night.

Report your move as quickly as possible. The day the municipality receives your change of address counts as your moving date.

Did you report your move online, but you did not get a confirmation email? And you do not see it in your spam folder either? Then Begin link: contact the municipality, end link. .


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