Register again in the BRP (you already have a BSN)

Are you moving back to The Hague from another country? Or have you been deregistered and would you like to register again? If you will be living in The Hague for longer than 4 months, you need to register again in the Personal Records Database (BRP). This is required by law.

If this situation does not apply to you, go to Begin link: Moving to The Hague from abroad, end link. .

Would you like to be registered with retroactive effect?

Then you need to:

  • make an appointment for a 1st registration or resettlement
  • have made the appointment after you came to live in the Netherlands
  • bring a copy of the appointment confirmation with you (you will receive this by e-mail. You can print this or show it on your telephone, tablet or laptop. Please note! The date of your scheduled appointment must be clearly visible)

Everyone who already has a citizen service number (BSN), who is coming to the Netherlands from abroad and who will be living in The Hague for longer than 4 months. This also applies to Dutch citizens from the Caribbean Netherlands (the countries Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten and the municipalities Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius).

  • A Begin link: valid form of identification, end link. . A driving licence is not permitted.
    The registration desk will check whether you may also register using an expired Dutch passport.
  • A Begin link: valid proof of occupancy, end link. .
  • A proof of deregistration if you are coming from Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, Bonaire, Saba or Sint Eustatius. You will get this document when you report your departure to the Civil Registry Office (Dienst Burgerlijke Stand en Bevolkingsadministratie).
  • Everybody must attend the appointment in person. This is true for all family members, including babies, young children and older family members.
You do not have a European Union (EU) citizenship (nationality)? Take 1 of the following documents to your appointment:
  • a valid Dutch permanent residence document
  • the residence endorsement sticker from the IND in your passport
  • the temporary regular residence permit sticker (MVV) dating from after 1 June 2013
  • authorisation by the IND (Entrance and Residence procedure, TEV)

Have your birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce papers, adoption certificate(s) or other important documents not (yet) been registered in the BRP? Bring the documents to your appointment.

Would you like to make an appointment for yourself and your family? Make the appointment by calling the municipality on tel. 14070. From abroad you can call tel. +31 70 353 30 00.

Bring your documents to the Public Service counter at the Begin link: Segbroek district office, end link. .

Make sure that you are on time for your appointment. If you arrive too late, there may not be enough time to help you.

The registration is free.

The municipality can usually process your registration within 4 weeks. You will receive a confirmation of your registration with an overview of your registered information.


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