Proof of occupancy
Are you reporting a move? Or registering in the municipality? Then you need to send a ‘proof of occupancy’ (bewijs van bewoning). The municipality will then know that you are registering at the correct address.
Proof of your living situation
The type of proof you need depends on your living situation:
You must include proof of your new address. Include 1 of the following documents:
- A copy of the signed purchase deed. With the page stating your name, address, contract start date and signature.
- A preliminary sales contract. With a keyholder agreement form stating that you may use the property earlier.
- A copy of the the deed of conveyance (akte van levering).
- A copy of the mortgage deed (hypotheekakte).
You must include proof of your new address. Include 1 of the following documents:
- A copy of the signed rental contract. With the page stating your name, address, contract start date and signature.
- An Begin link: affordable housing permit, end link. .
- Are you renting your home from a private owner? Then you must also include a copy of the Begin link: identity document, end link. for the main occupant or owner.
- The municipality could ask for additional documents. Such as a copy of the proof of ownership for the landlord.
The main occupant or owner of the property must give you permission. Use the permission form for this. Does the property have more than 1 owner or main occupant? Then you only need to get permission from 1 of these people.
Send the following documents:
- A completed permission form.
- A copy of the Begin link: identity document, end link. for the owner or main occupant.
Declaration of permission by the main occupant/owner
(PDF, 154.1 KB)Make a safe copy of your identity document
Use the KopieID app of the Government of the Netherlands.