Not everybody can find good and affordable housing. To solve the problems on the housing market the municipality is building new homes and making existing homes more sustainable.
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I am a tenant

I am a landlord
- Begin link: Permit or exemption for a holiday rental, end link.
- Begin link: Permit to rent out home during holiday, end link.
- Begin link: Exemption to rent out a 2nd home (pied-à-terre), end link.
- Begin link: Renting out short stay accommodation, end link.
- Begin link: Rent out a room, end link.
- Begin link: Good Landlordship Act, end link.
- Begin link: Rental advice for landlords, end link.

Maintenance and sustainability
- Begin link: Replacing lead water pipes, end link.
- Begin link: Apply for an environment and planning permit, end link.
- Begin link: Apply for a climate adaptation subsidy (for rainwater harvesting), end link.
- Begin external link: Free energy scan for homeowners (in Dutch)(External link), end external link.