Register your witnesses

You need witnesses to get married or enter into a civil partnership. You can register your witnesses or change the witnesses you already registered at the municipality. The municipality does not provide witnesses.

  • You need at least 2 and no more than 4 witnesses.
  • All of the witnesses must be 18 years or older.
  • The witnesses must attend the ceremony in person.

You need to register your witnesses at the same time you Begin link: register an intended marriage or civil partnership, end link. .

Would you like to add or change a witness later? Then send an email to Begin link:, end link. . State your reference number or the names of you and your partner in the subject line. Include a copy of the valid form of identification for your new witnesses.

You can make a safe copy of your identity document with your mobile telephone or tablet using the KopieID app. Read more on the Begin external link: website of the Government of the Netherlands(External link), end external link..


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