Register an intended marriage or civil partnership for Dutch citizens living abroad

Do you and your partner live abroad? And do you want to get married or enter into a civil partnership in the Netherlands? Then you first need to inform the Municipality of The Hague. This used to be called a ‘notice of intent to marry’ (in ondertrouw gaan).

You can get married or enter into a civil partnership in every municipality.

  • Notify the Municipality of The Hague that you want to get married or enter into a civil partnership. You also indicate in which municipality you want to do this.
  • The Municipality of The Hague will forward your registration of intent to the municipality where you want to get married or enter into a civil partnership.
  • This municipality will contact you and let you know which documents you need.

  • Both of you live abroad.
  • At least 1 of you has Dutch citizenship (nationality).
  • You must both be at least 18 years old.
  • You must register your intent at least 12 weeks before the date of the ceremony. Please do not wait too long to do this. Register your intent as soon as you know that you want to get married or enter into a civil partnership. Because you need to submit the original documents, you will often need more time for your application. Your registration of intent is valid for 1 year. Are you getting married after 1 year? Then you must register your intent again.
  • The following family members are forbidden to marry each other or enter into a civil partnership with each other: (grand)parents and (grand)children, brothers and sisters, cousins, uncles and nieces/nephews, and aunts and nieces/nephews. There are Begin external link: exceptions to this rule(External link), end external link..
  • Have you been placed under guardianship? You will first need the permission of the guardian or the limited jurisdiction judge.
  • Please note: Does 1 of you live in the Netherlands? In that case, contact the municipality where you will get married or enter into a civil partnership.
The municipality where you will get married or enter into a civil partnership will decide which documents you need.

Registering your intent is free.

Do you want to reschedule or cancel your wedding? In certain cases you will have to pay to do this. Read more under Begin link: Getting married in The Hague: locations and fees, end link. .

Within 1 week you will receive a message that the Municipality of The Hague has forwarded your registration of intent and the accompanying documents to the municipality where you will get married or enter into a civil partnership.

  1. Complete the online Begin external link: Register an intended marriage(External link), end external link. form in its entirety.
  2. The form will then be provided to you as a PDF file.
  3. Print this file.
  4. Both partners have to sign the printed paper form.
  5. Scan the signed document together with a copy of both of your passports. Afterwards you can submit your intent to marry.

Keep the original document in a safe place. The municipality where you will get married or enter into a civil partnership can always request this document.


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