Convert a civil partnership into marriage

Do you have a civil partnership and would you like to marry your civil partner? Then you can convert your civil partnership into a marriage. You can do this at a municipal location or free-choice wedding venue.

  • A Begin link: valid form of identification, end link. for you and your partner.
  • Did you enter into a civil partnership in a different municipality from The Hague? Then you need a recently issued copy of the certificate of civil partnership. You can request this at the municipality where you entered into your civil partnership.
  • Does 1 of the partners live abroad? Then you also need a recently issued document stating the address and civil status of this partner.

You do not need any witnesses when converting your civil partnership.

You can pay in cash or use a bank card at City Hall Spui. You can only use a bank card at the Leyweg City Office. Unfortunately it is not possible to pay with a credit card.

You can have your civil partnership converted at a wedding location or at a municipal counter. You need to notify the municipality of the conversion. To do this send an email to Begin link:, end link. .

Both partners live abroad

Do both you and your civil partner live abroad? And does 1 of you have Dutch citizenship (nationality)? Then the Department of National Tasks (afdeling Landelijke Taken) at the Municipality of The Hague will arrange the conversion. Call the municipality to provide your name, the name of your partner, your email address and your (foreign) telephone number. From the Netherlands call tel. 14070. From abroad call tel. +3170 353 30 00.

After your request is received, the Department of National Tasks will contact you within 2 working days. You will then hear which documents are needed for the conversion.


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