Apply for Dutch citizenship (naturalisation)

Do you live in The Hague and would you like to get Dutch citizenship (nationality)? You can apply for nationality with a request for naturalisation at the municipality.

In addition, 1 of the following situations applies to you:

  • You have been living in the Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao or Sint Maarten continuously for 5 years or longer.
    You have always renewed your residence permit on time. There are a few exceptions to this rule. Your residence permit must also be valid during the naturalisation procedure.
  • You are married to (or are a civil partner of) a Dutch citizen for at least 3 years. You have lived together with your husband/wife/civil partner during this period of at least 3 years (in the Netherlands or abroad).
  • At the time you apply for Dutch citizenship you have already been living in the Netherlands with the same Dutch partner (married/civil partner/unmarried) for at least 3 years. 
    You continue living together as partners during the application procedure.
  • Are you married to or do you have a civil partnership with a Dutch citizen? And has this person died during the application procedure? Then you can still get Dutch citizenship.
  • Did you live outside of the Netherlands and were you already married to or have a civil partnership with the same Dutch partner? Then this period is allowed to be counted as well.
  • Your partner must be a Dutch citizen at the time you apply for Dutch citizenship. Your partner does not have to have always been a Dutch citizen in the 3 years before the application.
  • You used to have Dutch citizenship (former Dutch citizen).

In some cases, you could be eligible for a shorter application procedure. More information can be found under Begin link: Option, applying for Dutch citizenship, end link. .

Co-naturalising children under the age of 18

Children 15 years old and younger can be naturalised together with their parents. The following conditions apply:

  • The children are living in the Netherlands at the time you apply.
  • They have their primary residence in the Netherlands.
  • They are permanent residents of the Netherlands.
  • Children 16 and 17 years old must have been living in the Netherlands for a continous period of at least 3 years prior to the request.
  • If 1 of the parents submits the naturalisation request, the other parent must give his/her opinion in writing.

Children 12 years and older must be present during the request.

Naturalisation for your child(ren)

Children under the age of 18 years who did not become naturalised together with their parents can still get Dutch citizenship at the request of their parents. The following conditions then apply:

  • The children have had their primary residence in the Netherlands for a continuous period of at least 3 years prior to the request.
  • They are permanent residents of the Netherlands.
  • The Dutch parent must submit the request for naturalisation. The other parent must give written consent.
  • Children 16 and 17 years old must agree to the request.

The same costs apply to these children as for adults who are going through the naturalisation process.

Take the following to the naturalisation appointment:

  • valid passport (from the country of origin)
  • valid residence permit (for the Netherlands)
  • Civic Integration Examination diploma at language level A-2, or possibly other Dutch secondary school diplomas (including diplomas from Belgium and Suriname).

  • naturalisation per person: € 1,023
  • naturalisation partners: € 1,305 
  • child being naturalised together with his parents: € 151 
  • naturalisation for people who have a permanent asylum permit: € 760 
  • naturalisation for partners who have a permanent asylum permit: € 1,044 

You pay the fees when you request naturalisation. You can only pay this amount with a bank card. You will not get any money back if the request is denied.

  • The municipality will examine whether you meet all of the conditions for naturalisation and will advise the IND. The municipality will forward your file to the IND.
  • The IND will check whether you meet all of the conditions and will take a decision. The IND is obliged to take a decision within 12 months. If you have any questions about the application in the meantime, you can contact the IND.
  • You will officially become a Dutch citizen after the Begin link: naturalisation ceremony, end link. .
  • A week after the naturalisation ceremony you will be able to apply for a Dutch travel document at City Hall Spui or the Leyweg City Office. You can turn in your residence permit at the IND counter or at the Aliens Police.

Do you meet the conditions?

  • Make an appointment online for your naturalisation requst at the Department of Public Service, Unit Registratie, afdeling Naturalisatie en Optie (at City Hall Spui).


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