Renting out short stay accommodation

Do you want to rent out (part of) a building? For example, to business visitors, foreign employees or students who will stay for a short time in The Hague? If so, you must follow a number of rules.

A temporary rental means that you rent out (part of) a building as living space. The tenants stay for a maximum of 4 months. This is called a ‘short stay’. The landlord does not live in the accommodation himself.


Whether you are allowed to offer temporary accommodation in your building depends on its designated use and zoning purpose. The designated use of the building is the current use of the building. The zoning purpose of a building indicates any (other) functions which are permitted in the building. Look up your building’s zoning purpose in the Omgevingsplan for The Hague. You can look this up in the Begin external link: Omgevingsloket(External link), end external link.. Look up the last known use of your building in the Begin external link: addresses and buildings database (BAG) viewer of the national land registry(External link), end external link..

You are permitted to offer temporary accommodation in a building which is designated as ‘lodgings’.

A building which gets a designation as lodgings often must be renovated. To do this you must apply for an Begin link: environment and planning permit, end link. , or in certain cases you must announce your plans (see the page Begin link: Melding Wet kwaliteitsborging (Wkb-melding), end link. ).

You are not permitted to offer temporary accommodation in a residential property. You are not allowed to temporarily rent out your home to tourists and tenants who will officially register at the address in the municipality’s Personal Records Database (BRP).

If you use your home as short stay accommodation, this is called housing withdrawal. To remove a residential property from the local housing stock you must apply for a Begin link: housing withdrawal permit, end link. . The municipality usually does not grant this permit because The Hague has a housing shortage.

The municipality is actively tracking down housing withdrawal. If you do not abide by the rules, you could get a fine.

Was the last known use of your building as a residential property? Then you are only allowed to use the building as a residential property. Even if your building’s zoning purpose also allows for lodgings in the Omgevingsplan.

Your building is not a residential property, but the zoning purpose does allow lodgings? Then you are allowed to use the building to offer lodgings. You do not need a permit for this.

Is the lodgings function in conflict with the building’s zoning purpose? Or does the building not have a lodgings function? Then apply for an Begin link: environment and planning permit, end link. for a ‘buitenplanse omgevingsplanactiviteit’.

Tourist tax

If you offer a building for short stay accommodation you must pay Begin link: tourist tax, end link. .

Would you like to know whether your plans to rent out a property are in line with the building’s zoning purpose? Send an email to Begin link:, end link. .


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