Construction of fibre optic network

A number of telecom companies are building fibre optic networks in The Hague. Optical fibre makes high speed internet possible. The municipality thinks it is important for residents and businesses to get a connection to the fibre optic network.

A fibre optic network is a type of network for transmitting internet, television and telephony. Telecom companies are laying the fibre optic network neighbourhood by neighbourhood. To do this, pipes containing fibre optic cables are laid under the ground. The pavement in your street will therefore be opened up during the work. The telecom companies or the contractors they hire will always inform the neighbourhood residents in advance. They will also make sure that the street is closed up properly again. In most cases, your pavement will be closed again within 48 hours.

Companies are currently laying optical fibre in the following areas:

Centrum district

Escamp district

  • Leyenburg by Open Dutch Fiber/Odido en KPN
  • Moerwijk by Open Dutch Fiber/Odido en KPN
  • Rustenburg and Oostbroek by Open Dutch Fiber/Odido

Haagse Hout district

  • Duinzigt and Clingendael (Benoordenhout) by KPN

Laak district

  • Laakkwartier and Spoorwijk by KPN and Open Dutch Fiber/Odido

Leidschenveen-Ypenburg district

  • Leidschenveen by KPN

Scheveningen district

  • Duinoord by Open Dutch Fiber/Odido
  • all neighbourhoods by KPN

Escamp district

  • Bouwlust en Vrederust
  • Morgenstond
  • Wateringse Veld

Haagse Hout district

  • Benoordenhout
  • Bezuidenhout
  • Mariahoeve en Marlot

Leidschenveen – Ypenburg district

  • Hoornwijk
  • Ypenburg

Loosduinen district

  • all neighbourhoods

Scheveningen district

  • Duindorp
  • Geuzen- en Statenkwartier

Segbroek district

  • all neighbourhoods

Connection per house

After the work has been completed in your street, a fibre optic network connection will be made to your home. It usually goes to the fusebox. You need to give your permission for this. It is handy to already give your permission, even if you are not going to use the fibre optic network right away. Once the service is wired to your home, you can decide whether you want a subscription and which company you want to use. Once you have a subscription, you will pay a monthly fee for the use of the fibre optic connection.

Small coloured cables in the ground

Has the work been completed in the street? It can take some time before the telecoms companies wire the service to homes. Until then you might see small coloured cables sticking out of the ground at the front of the buildings or front gardens. These fibre optic cables are usually orange or turquoise (blue-green). The wires are thus exposed and easy to find. This means there will be less nuisance when it is time to connect a fibre optic cable to a home. It is important to leave these wires alone. The wires are temporary. The telecoms companies will make sure they are buried once the work has been done.

Homeowners associations (VvEs)

Homeowners associations (Vereniging van Eigenaren, VvEs) must give permission for laying optical fibre on or in the common areas of the VvE. Such as along the building’s exterior wall.

Optical fibre for companies

A fibre optic network is available in all business parks in The Hague. One or more telecom companies serve their customers through the network. Companies in these areas can have their property connected to the network. To do so, they need to contact the manager of the network. The manager will calculate the costs of the connection. Companies and shops which are not located in business parks can make use of the network for residential properties.

Role of the municipality

The municipality does not lay any fibre optic networks itself. Telecom companies which lay the network determine where and when the optical fibre will be laid. They pay for the construction costs themselves. To speed up the work, the municipality is working together with these companies.

Under the Begin external link: Dutch Telecommunications Act(External link), end external link. , the municipality in principle must always give permission to the telecom companies to lay a fibre optic network. When granting this permission, the municipality looks at the accessibility of the neighbourhood when constructing the network. The municipality also tries to prevent any inconvenience caused by the work.

Questions or complaints

Do you have any questions or complaints about the work on the fibre optic network in your street? If so, contact the telecom company laying the optical fibre in your neighbourhood. This is either KPN or Open Dutch Fiber:

If there are any problems in your street after the work has been completed, you can Begin link: report it to the municipality, end link. .


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