Parking your bike safely in The Hague

Would you like to park your bike safely in the city? Park it at 1 of the Biesieklette bicycle parking facilities. They are free of charge and guarded. On this page you will also find bicycle parking facilities and bicycle lockers at bus and tram stops and train stations.

View all of the free and guarded bicycle facilities in The Hague on the Begin external link: website of Biesieklette(External link), end external link..

The 1st day it is free to park your bicycle. Would you like to park it for a longer period of time? Then you need to pay. You pay € 0.50 for the 2nd day and € 3 for the 3rd day. Every day after that it costs € 2.50 per extra day. You will also need to pay to park mopeds/scooters and motorcycles.

Unguarded bicycle facilities in the centre

You can also park your bicycle for free in an unguarded facility by chaining it to a bicycle stand. You will find unguarded bicycle facilities in the downtown area in:

  • Gedempte Burgwal and Wagenstraat
  • Rijnstraat (multiple-story building), Monday to Sunday from 7.00 to 19.00 hrs. Mopeds and motorcycles are not permitted.

Bicycle parking at train stations

The large underground bicycle parking facility at The Hague’s Central Station will be closed from 1 October 2023 to December 2024. This is due to the construction work taking place on the Koningin Julianaplein. Park your bike at 1 of the other facilities in the area. Also see: Begin external link: link), end external link..

An overview of the possibilities can be found on the Begin external link: website of the NS(External link), end external link.:

  • Den Haag Centraal: guarded and unguarded bicycle parking facility, bike rentals, bike repairs, OV-fiets and OV-e-mopeds rentals.

  • Den Haag Hollands Spoor: guarded and unguarded bicycle parking facility, bike rentals, bike repairs and OV-fiets rentals.

  • Den Haag Laan van NOI: bicycle lockers, OV-fiets rentals (automated facility).

  • Den Haag Mariahoeve: bicycle lockers, OV-fiets rentals (automated facility).

  • Den Haag Ypenburg: bicycle lockers.

Look at the rules for using the bicycle parking facility at the Begin link: Koningin Julianaplein (The Hague’s Central Station), end link. .

Bike parking at bus and tram stops

The municipality has placed bicycle lockers by a number of stops. Bicycle lockers are enclosed bins which can hold 1 bicycle. The bicycle is protected against theft and damage. The bicycle lockers can be found by the following stops:

  • Melis Stokelaan (by the terminus loop of line 9)
  • Jaap Edenweg (by the end stop of the RandstadRail line 4)
  • Erasmusweg (by the end point of Bus 25)

Biesieklette manages and maintains the bicycle lockers. More information about renting a bicycle locker can be found on the Begin external link: website van Biesieklette(External link), end external link..

Report an abandoned bicycle

Bikes left standing on the street can become a nuisance. You can Begin link: report an abandoned bicycle, end link. to the municipality. It will take steps to have the bicycle cleared away.


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