Rental Helpdesk (Huurbalie)

The Rental Helpdesk (Huurbalie) provides tenants and landlords in The Hague’s private rental sector with free advice and information. For example, on questions about contracts or maintenance.

Questions and advice

The Rental Helpdesk helps tenants in the private sector with questions about:

Assistance and subsequent steps

The Rental Helpdesk will give you advice on what subsequent steps you need to take. If necessary, it will refer you to other organisations, for example:

    Do you live in a rental property which belongs to a housing association? Then you are advised to contact your housing association directly.

    The Rental Helpdesk provides landlords in the private sector with information about:

    • calculating the rental price
    • making agreements with a tenant
    • applying for permits for rental properties
    • maintenance work for rental properties
    • reporting nuisance caused by tenants
    • making a rental property energy-efficient

    Would you like to rent out a property Begin link: temporarily or for a longer period of time, end link. ? You will have to meet a number of conditions.


    Hou van je Huis:
    Denneweg 62a
    Telephone: (070) 353 99 31

    Opening hours:

    • Monday from 13.00 to 17.00 hrs.
    • Tuesday to Thursday from 9.00 to 17.00 hrs.
    • Friday from 9.00 to 1300 hrs.

    You can also fill in the Begin external link: contact form(External link), end external link.. The Rental Helpdesk (Huurbalie) will respond to your question.

    Energy-efficient property

    Tenants and landlords can make the property energy-efficient. Measures include adding insulation, switching over to an induction stove and installing solar panels. Would you like to learn what tenants can do to save energy? Look at the Begin external link: website Duurzame stad Den Haag(External link), end external link. .

    More information

    Tips for searching for a new home in The Hague (in Dutch)

    (PDF, 889.7 KB)

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